Billy Donovan Comments on Muschamp


Fun was the goal and we hit the bullseye
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Sep 15, 2014
Saw that earlier today. Mighty fine statement by him. Plus Donovan would never throw anyone under the bus, he's too classy and would look horrible.


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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
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EuroGator;n90964 said:
This doesn't seem like hollow "coach-speak" to me.
It doesn't? That's exactly how it sounded to me. Donovan said exactly what you'd expect he'd say. In fact, if someone had asked me beforehand what I thought Donovan would say about Muschamp, it would have been almost verbatim. "He works hard, blahblahblah."


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Jun 11, 2014
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If the results we're seeing are the result of Muschamp working hard, he's obviously not working hard enough.


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Austin Gator
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Jun 14, 2014
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Or he isn't good enough.. I have been a big WM supporter, but at some point you have to see results on the field

G 2

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Gator Great
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Jun 11, 2014
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soflagator;n91131 said:
Yep. Unfortunately Billy B has no idea what it takes to run a football team.

And he likes the guy. He isn't going to say anything bad about him. Atleast definitely not to the press for it to be published across the country.


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too sexy for my shirt
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Jun 13, 2014
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soflagator;n91131 said:
Yep. Unfortunately Billy B has no idea what it takes to run a football team.

Billy could coach quitage and be bad ass at it!


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Slightly amused
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Jun 10, 2014
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If only hard work was enough to make a good football coach. My yard guy would work just as hard and do it for much less.


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"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war."
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Jun 11, 2014
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soflagator;n91131 said:
Yep. Unfortunately Billy B has no idea what it takes to run a football team.

I think he wouldn't do any worse than what we have.


In All Kinds of Weather
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Aug 31, 2014
I agree with everything Donovan and yes it was coach speak. Personally, I don't think Wuschamp is a bad person and I certainly don't think he is some Bulldog plant to ruin the Gators. He is a very good defensive coordinator but a very BAD head coach. He should have been fired after the loss to Georgia Southern last year.


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Wait,... what?
Jun 11, 2014
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working hard is different than working smart, or even being able to handle the job.

believe me, I know first hand. I have had a fail or two, (3, 4, ...) in my life and the key is to learn from it and move on. you definitely cannot go back and change it.


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Senior Vulcan Cowboy
Jun 16, 2014
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RocketCityGator;n91176 said:
I agree with everything Donovan and yes it was coach speak. Personally, I don't think Wuschamp is a bad person and I certainly don't think he is some Bulldog plant to ruin the Gators. He is a very good defensive coordinator but a very BAD head coach. He should have been fired after the loss to Georgia Southern last year.

I agree except he is not that great of a defensive coordinator or we would not have all the issues with our defense that we have seen recently.


Are we back yet?
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Oct 15, 2014
Its obvious that people really like champ as a person. He is probably a great guy and a good family man. I have never once thought he didnt want to win or that he wasnt working his butt off. He has done some nice things with the program as far as trouble is concerned. Sometimes, its just not enough. He will probably be a good HC one day when he gets experience under his belt but that experience should have come from starting at a small university somewhere and not at a high profile top tier program like UF. Its unfortunate that it had to go this way but it did and here we are. Its done.

Swamp Donkey

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Jun 9, 2014
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People write "works hard" on a performance review to try to justify giving a D to a guy whose actual performance deserves an F. If he were performing his job well, that's what they would write. I guess a guy who is working hard and failing is better than a guy who doesn't even try but is failing to some extent. It doesn't change the fact that the guy is a massive failure.

Ray Finkle

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Jul 28, 2014
gatormandan;91185 said:
Its obvious that people really like champ as a person. He is probably a great guy and a good family man. I have never once thought he didnt want to win or that he wasnt working his butt off. He has done some nice things with the program as far as trouble is concerned. Sometimes, its just not enough. He will probably be a good HC one day when he gets experience under his belt but that experience should have come from starting at a small university somewhere and not at a high profile top tier program like UF. Its unfortunate that it had to go this way but it did and here we are. Its done.
Hate to say it, but I agree with you Dan.

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