Contention and Disagreements

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Founding Member
Jun 11, 2014
Founding Member
The traffic will be increasing significantly during the season and we're sure to have an increase in disagreements and contentious exchanges. And that's good and healthy. However, I'd like to revisit one of the basic rules/tenants of the board:

While Gattorchatter believes in allowing fans to be fans, there is always a line that shouldn’t be crossed. Vicious and overly personal attacks or threats on others won’t be tolerated. Any posting of personal information about another member is strictly forbidden. Everyone knows what the lines are – don’t cross them.
If you want to sustain an ongoing cat fight
with another member, use the Private Message system and spare the rest of us. If you are particularly irritated by another member's posting habits and are constantly fighting the urge to flame them, you can go to your Account Settings and add that person to your Ignore list at the bottom of the page. This will make that person's posts invisible to you.

There has been a rather significant uptick in thread conflict. We would really rather not hand out vacations, lock threads, or send a ton of threads to the dungeon (solitary). It's okay to get into heated debates; even aggressively from time to time, but if there is a poster who sticks in your craw please just block them. We will monitor as effectively as possible but we would like as few constrictions on opinion as possible.

If attacks become very personal in nature we will lock threads or give timeouts here and there. But truly, it's easily avoided by simply blocking that poster. Of course you can PM us at anytime if you feel something isn't being adjudicated properly or some type of behavior has become truly trollish and we'll review it.

Please try to enjoy the season as much as possible and here's hoping for a GREAT GATOR season :chomp:
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