Crappy Steak Chain thread


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Sep 4, 2014
Are the Longhorns coming for Sully? Will he leverage their offer of bottomless oil wells to get a big raise to stay? Does Sully want to stay in Gvlle?

The guy is a terrible coach. The only Longhorn’s coming after him are the steak house locations looking for a night shift manager.


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Jun 11, 2014
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The guy is a terrible coach. The only Longhorn’s coming after him are the steak house locations looking for a night shift manager.
Longhorn is good though.

Next you're gonna tell me it's just a slightly upscaled Chili's:lol:


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Nov 19, 2014
Longhorn is good though.

Next you're gonna tell me it's just a slightly upscaled Chili's:lol:
“God I love Texas Roadhouse,” began one thread on Reddit, with over 1,000 upvotes. “Texas Roadhouse never disappoints,” began another, with over 5,000 votes. A third touted the “incredible value.”

If there’s anything Americans love, it’s cheap meat. So business is booming at Texas Roadhouse and LongHorn Steakhouse, even as Americans pull back elsewhere.

Durty South Swamp

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doodley doodley doo!
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Jun 19, 2014
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Texas Roadhouse is pretty cheap for what you get. Those rolls with the cinnamon butter are like crack cocaine baby.


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Jun 12, 2014
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Texas Roadhouse is pretty cheap for what you get. Those rolls with the cinnamon butter are like crack cocaine baby.
If I have to choose between Outback and Texas Roadhouse I'm going with Roadhouse, the amount of food and the steak will be made to order. Every steak I've gotten from outback was so well done it's could serve as a hockey puck. But neither will be on the top place to get a steak in my book. And the rolls at Texas Roadhouse are hard to beat.


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Feb 2, 2017
On our road trip to Raleigh last week, Mrs Fodderwing wanted to pass through the ATL to share a meal and visit with her friends and coworkers. We were expecting some decent Mexican at Frontera, but the group insisted on Longhorn. So I order a ribeye medium, the steak was cooked medium-ish, but dang it was as tough as grilled round steak.
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Preston Brooks
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Jan 3, 2018
On our road trip to Raleigh last week, Mrs Foddferwing wanted to pass through the ATL to share a meal and visit with her friends and coworkers. We were expecting some decent Mexican at Frontera, but the group insisted on Longhorn. So I order a ribeye medium, The steak was cooked medium-ish, but dang it was as tough as grilled round steak.
It's not even choice anymore, most steak houses have gone Select because the cost of meat has sky rocketed.

Homer J

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On our road trip to Raleigh last week, Mrs Fodderwing wanted to pass through the ATL to share a meal and visit with her friends and coworkers. We were expecting some decent Mexican at Frontera, but the group insisted on Longhorn. So I order a ribeye medium, the steak was cooked medium-ish, but dang it was as tough as grilled round steak.
Next time you're going through the ATL, call for reservations at Casa De Homer. I'll fix you a ribeye to order.


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Feb 2, 2017
Next time you're going through the ATL, call for reservations at Casa De Homer. I'll fix you a ribeye to order.

That sounds excellent.

Or meet up at a La Parilla for some mighty fine Mexican. The only La Parilla I ever patronized was the The Forum in Peachtree Corners, but it was top shelf Mexican fare,

Homer J

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That sounds excellent.

Or meet up at a La Parilla for some mighty fine Mexican. The only La Parilla I ever patronized was the The Forum in Peachtree Corners, but it was top shelf Mexican fare,
I'm 30 minutes north of that - Flowery Branch


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Aug 18, 2018
On our road trip to Raleigh last week, Mrs Fodderwing wanted to pass through the ATL to share a meal and visit with her friends and coworkers. We were expecting some decent Mexican at Frontera, but the group insisted on Longhorn. So I order a ribeye medium, the steak was cooked medium-ish, but dang it was as tough as grilled round steak.
If you go "thru" Atlanta again(and not around), and want a nice steak---stop by Bones. The small 20 oz. Ribeye. Not what you will get at Longhorns, Outback, Roadhouse, or ANY of those types. This is one you will remember for quite some time.

Northeast side of Buckhead, not far off GA 400 or I-85.




Well-Known Member
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Feb 2, 2017
If you go "thru" Atlanta again(and not around), and want a nice steak---stop by Bones. The small 20 oz. Ribeye. Not what you will get at Longhorns, Outback, Roadhouse, or ANY of those types. This is one you will remember for quite some time.

Northeast side of Buckhead, not far off GA 400 or I-85.

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I will keep that in mind, but I try to avoid Atlanta like a covid shot. Last week we left I-75 at Forsyth and went through Monticello to get to our Hotel in Bethlehem.

Durty South Swamp

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doodley doodley doo!
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Tennessee won a men's basketball title but before the days of the NCAA tournament. They'll claim to be part of the club now but they really aren't.

Also, longhorn steakhouse sucks the sweat from a dead man's balls. Literally the worst steakhouse on the planet.

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