Family pet thread

Gator By Marriage

A convert to Gatorism
Lifetime Member
Dec 31, 2018
I know, I know. Who am I kidding? I was hoping to score some oxbucks from a mod.
One day I’m going to go buy Seedy something nice with them.
One day, when Oxbucks pass Bitcoin as the most valuable virtual currency on earth, you’ll be glad you saved them rather than spending them on something frivolous.


¡No más tacos gratis!
Lifetime Member
Jun 2, 2016
Lost this guy last April. Still rekt.



Founding Member
I don’t care
Jun 10, 2014
Founding Member
JFC this is the most depressing thread since the Georgia Southern game day thread!

“Look at my beautiful dog! She’s just the best! Oh and she’s now DEAD”

Fuchsing psychos.

P.S. My dogs are never dying.
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Not Seedy
Lifetime Member
Jul 24, 2020
JFC this is the most depressing thread since the Georgia Southern game day thread!

“Look at my beautiful dog! She’s just the best! Oh and she’s now DEAD”

Fuchsing psychos.

P.S. My dogs are never dying.

Look at my beautiful dog on the right, he almost died today.
But he didn’t. I went into an unfinished room to get some tools and he followed me in unknowingly. When I came back out he had dropped a Tomcat rat poison block on the floor. It was wet but didn’t seem to be chewed. I gave him hydrogen peroxide and made him throw up just to be safe. That was hours ago and he seems to be fine now. Whew!

(why won’t portrait photos load correctly here from my iphone?)

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Founding Member
Lifetime Member
Jun 11, 2014
Founding Member
why won’t portrait photos load correctly here from my iphone?)

Ask @Seedy that question. It was an issue on that other site but it’s never been an issue here. Perhaps you thought it was a landscape photo but it was actually a portrait? I’ve done that and it not rotate.

Also,, how did you make him drink hydrogen peroxide by choice?


¡No más tacos gratis!
Lifetime Member
Jun 2, 2016
Look at my beautiful dog on the right, he almost died today.
But he didn’t. I went into an unfinished room to get some tools and he followed me in unknowingly. When I came back out he had dropped a Tomcat rat poison block on the floor. It was wet but didn’t seem to be chewed. I gave him hydrogen peroxide and made him throw up just to be safe. That was hours ago and he seems to be fine now. Whew!

(why won’t portrait photos load correctly here from my iphone?)
I can't count the times we had to do the hydrogen peroxide treatment on our Basset Hound.
Lived to the ripe old age of 14, though.


Not Seedy
Lifetime Member
Jul 24, 2020
Ask @Seedy that question. It was an issue on that other site but it’s never been an issue here. Perhaps you thought it was a landscape photo but it was actually a portrait? I’ve done that and it not rotate.

Also,, how did you make him drink hydrogen peroxide by choice?

He doesn’t recall the fix either.

I started out putting 1tsp/10 lb dog weight into some ice cream to let the dog eat it. After 30 min and no reaction I opened his mouth and put 1 tsp in and that started him vomiting.

I had a Weimaraner years ago that came running up with an empty package of rat poison from someone’s house. I didn’t take any chances and took him to the vet. Worst dog ever.

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