Are you kidding me? With top-notch writing like this, I was at the edge of my seat!
"Regardless of whatever odds Vegas possesses on Napier's job security, the coach completely no-sells that fact and does his job. Until he's not, Billy Napier coaches the University of Florida football team."
I mean, we need more quality writing like that. I need to go back and find the author's name so I can follow all his riveting works.
You barely scratched the surface of this journalistic masterpiece. Consider the following hidden gems...
Certain pockets of fans and media prefer the demonstrative coach that makes for great content. If you don't lose your mind on a weekly basis, labels like "apathetic" or "nonchalant" surface. Neither fit. Not showing your hands should rank high on every coach’s list.
Billy has this high-level coaching technique mastered by default. When you're a smooth-brain, your hands are perpetually down your pants.
Whoever mythical apparition Boo Boo the Fool is, rest assured that Billy Napier is not him.
Quality writing. I was inspired to throw away my "Billy is Boo Boo the Fool" Gameday poster.
Do we have actual evidence of this?
For months, bank on the fact that the Florida coaching staff studied 2023 film and gathered information, in order to gameplan.
The author is such a master of the English language that he completely threw out centuries of sentence structure rules and created his own!
At the same time, you don't see histrionics or telling reporters to come after him because he's a man and he’s forty.
And yet I would readily trade Billy's comatose demeanor for the the mullet-headed manchild from Oklahoma if it came with the same passion and win percentage.
Despite the immense pressure on Florida to win, Napier continues to conduct business as usual.
Someone should remind this exemplary columnist of the definition of insanity.
As everyone knows, Florida is a recruiting hotbed, with not only local schools, but national ones pour over the border, hoping to pilfer talent.
I feel like I just had a bucket of dumb poured over my eyes.
And then the crown jewel of this masterpiece:
Until he's not, Billy Napier coaches the University of Florida football team.
It is what it is. That's the way the cookie crumbles. Such is life. Whatever will be, will be. Wherever you go, there you are. Whatever happens, happens. They don't think it be like it is, but it do. Hallelujah, holy sh*t! Where's the Tylenol?