So, he’s not me. While I’ve grown beyond tired of being accused of loving Napier, I’ll reiterate it once again…I don’t care if he stays or goes. All I care about is supporting the Gators. When they’re playing well, I give credit where it’s due and I stand behind whoever wears the O&B. Coaches, players and fans! I’m a fan and I enjoy every win and I mourn every loss. I try to be subjective and positive. If I come off as harsh towards the haters it’s only because I don’t respect any “fan” who chits on the team. Sorry not sorry. Call me all the names you want idgaf, I’ll be here through all kinds of weather rocking the gear and cheering for the program. This is my team and whoever is a part of it has my support. I don’t have millions to offer but if I did I would never withhold it to hurt the team due to my own narcissm.
If you or others choose to hate, that’s your free right to do so, but don’t ever doubt my loyalty or support for my Gators!
Hate if it keeps you safe, if it makes you brave
But don’t come over here
Piss on my gate
Say you’ll just keep it off my wave
Not here to bash you Deep, because you bash yourself with your fairweather antics.
1.) You're the poster child for fair weather fan.
2.) Being a real fan encompasses supporting the team during the wins and losses. Means rooting for, celebrating and criticizing. Real fans call balls and strikes.
3.) When the Gators lose, you go on the 'Missing In Action' list. You disappear into a hole, nowhere to be heard.
4.) When they win, you're out beating your chest like we and Billy won the Super Bowl, while you bash the ones that speak negative.
5.) Being a true Gator fan means you celebrate our wins, but you're also vocal or critical during the losses. You recognize where we played poorly, play-called poorly, low energy, whatever.
6.) Acknowledging our shortcomings as a team and Billy's is not being a "hater". It's called being a fan and being cognitive of how our team is playing and what's working and not working.
7.) Your weekly roller coaster emotions and immaturity is what's fair weather and causes most of us to not respect you or your spewing of nonsense. Your constant defense of Billy loses you respect because you refuse to acknowledge people's right to have an opinion. Just because we've won 2 in a row doesn't excuse Billy's absentmindedness and fuch ups in-game, that prevent us from reaching our full potential.
8.) Grow the fuch up and be a man and be mature by recognizing and accepting that we all can criticize Billy or the team due to their poor or inconsistent play just as we can applaud and acknowledge what we're doing great out there. It means we're real fans.
9.) And try being self-aware next time when you criticize a parent and attempt to tell them how best to parent, just because their kid isn't excited about the Gators. You'd not take kindly someone here telling you how to parent your kid, so don't do it to someone else. If I was Layla, I would've reached through the screen and broken your jaw for that comment.