This seems like the most appropriate thread:
Heading to Alaska for Halloween with the grandkids. It will be no higher than 30 degrees at trick or treat time...which I assume will start at dark around 3 PM. I will be Mr. Potato Head (which has its benefits - I can say whatever I want and don't have to be politically correct with the in-laws - it is Toy Story themed and they will be lame versions of characters - they lack imagination and Mrs. Altitude lives for this ****...and to embarrass the in-laws!!!). But, you may be able to trick or treat for many, many hours due to the early darkness...this is a plus.
My son's neighborhood has too many liberals - they are way too close to downtown Anchorage. I told him we need to plan to get out away from the **** - who wants pathetic liberal candy and/or lectures because Mr. Potato Head is wearing a MAGA cap. Gotta get to the burbs where Margaret is giving out full sized Snickers!
My daughter-in-law is a dentist, so we have the floss and toothpaste covered - so hopefully we can ignore any *******s that present that crap!