I know this is a message board and I know the atmosphere in here is pretty nasty and rude sometimes, but honestly you people should be ashamed of yourselves. This is not a joking or humorous matter. These are peoples lives that were at stake by some person making bad choices. It could happen at UF as easily as it happen at FSU last night. This is not a matter of us vs. them. This is a time when we should be coming together as a community and has nothing to do with Football or any other sport. These are our friends, neighbors and relatives that are going to school to better themselves. Many people on campus and off campus, students, parents, grandparents, had a long and scary night.
Honestly, this attitude is enough to turn me off coming here anymore. I have family that went to FSU (and before you make any additional stupid comments they went there because the music education program is hands-down the best in the state) and any one of them could have been there in the library on a school night and been caught in a situation like this. I'm not a prolific poster, but I came here when I found it because I missed the old GSMB style of good posters, humor and just enough hatred of FSU, UGA and others. I lurk everyday and read most every thread. However, these comments and ones like them are completely uncalled for at this time. Maybe you should think before you type stupid comments next time.