Muschamp presser


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Jun 13, 2014
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Broken record and dumb ass come to mind...


Sep 21, 2014
Did a great job of throwing the offensive and special team players under the bus. Refused to even consider that the problems from last year are still alive and thriving this year. Would not entertain the question in regard to how prepared the team was by blowing it off. Denied hearing the "Fire Muschamp" chants from the alumni side of the stadium. Just continued to say "we gotta get that fixed" and "we gotta play better." Just a complete waste of time to listen to this idiot.


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Sep 4, 2014
Complete garbage. There was a time last year when I would've gladly chipped in on his Uhaul. At this point, I hope they get his paperwork mixed up, he's charged double and all the labels fall off the boxes.

Swamp Donkey

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Next presser I'm watching will be Foley.

I've been tired of Chimp's voice for a year.


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Jun 11, 2014
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I assume that it sounds like all the others after a loss? So like 75% of them?

G 2

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Jun 11, 2014
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I'm surprised so many watched it.


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Jul 23, 2014
threatmatrix;n83583 said:
Anybody that still supports champ iis not a gator fan. They may think they are but they aren't.

Anyone notice the initials on the dumpster in ThreatMatrix's Avatar? Cracked me up... "Waste Management", kind of sums it up.


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Aug 28, 2014
Gatordiddy;n83623 said:
Anyone notice the initials on the dumpster in ThreatMatrix's Avatar? Cracked me up... "Waste Management", kind of sums it up.


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Jun 13, 2014
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He said it's all on me then proceeded to blame specific players like the kicker. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.


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Jun 13, 2014
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Another jewel was Will explaining that with Mizzou's pass rush they couldnt drop back in this game.

He spoke as if the forward pass is a ridiculous notion for Florida especially if that other team can rush the passer.

He blames the players like they are pros. He acts as if preparing pass protection in order to have passing as part of the gameplan is foreign.

Worse, he acts like he has no responsibilty for the talent on the field. Hey Will, you are the guy responsible. It's been four years - if we don't have an offensive line that can do basic pass pro, that's you.

He used this "I've tried nothing and I am all out of ideas" approach to sell his 1980s, 7 pass per game, Buck Belue throwing, Herschel Walker running dream of an offense. "That's why we can't just drop back and throw....We just need to run the ball"

That's not a strategy - that's a losing philosophy.


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Jun 13, 2014
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jaywalker72;n83728 said:
Another jewel was Will explaining that with Mizzou's pass rush they couldnt drop back in this game.

He spoke as if the forward pass is a ridiculous notion for Florida especially if that other team can rush the passer.

He blames the players like they are pros. He acts as if preparing pass protection in order to have passing as part of the gameplan is foreign.

Worse, he acts like he has no responsibilty for the talent on the field. Hey Will, you are the guy responsible. It's been four years - if we don't have an offensive line that can do basic pass pro, that's you.

He used this "I've tried nothing and I am all out of ideas" approach to sell his 1980s, 7 pass per game, Buck Belue throwing, Herschel Walker running dream of an offense. "That's why we can't just drop back and throw....We just need to run the ball"

That's not a strategy - that's a losing philosophy.

I could not agree more with this summation.

Swamp Donkey

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Jun 9, 2014
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jaywalker72;n83728 said:
He used this "I've tried nothing and I am all out of ideas" approach to sell his 1980s, 7 pass per game, Buck Belue throwing, Herschel Walker running dream of an offense. "That's why we can't just drop back and throw....We just need to run the ball"

That's not a strategy - that's a losing philosophy.
Yup, and you forgot the "you don't earn the right to try the 7 pass per game" offense until you're a Junior or Senior.

The damage to this program by hiring and keeping WM will be profound. I agree with those who say we are 3-4 years a way. An entire decade lost on this failure.


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Sep 4, 2014
jaywalker72;n83728 said:
Another jewel was Will explaining that with Mizzou's pass rush they couldnt drop back in this game.

He spoke as if the forward pass is a ridiculous notion for Florida especially if that other team can rush the passer.

He blames the players like they are pros. He acts as if preparing pass protection in order to have passing as part of the gameplan is foreign.

Worse, he acts like he has no responsibilty for the talent on the field. Hey Will, you are the guy responsible. It's been four years - if we don't have an offensive line that can do basic pass pro, that's you.

He used this "I've tried nothing and I am all out of ideas" approach to sell his 1980s, 7 pass per game, Buck Belue throwing, Herschel Walker running dream of an offense. "That's why we can't just drop back and throw....We just need to run the ball"

That's not a strategy - that's a losing philosophy.

Agree with divits. You nailed it.

Also just realized I saw you tonight. Section11ish, following the game. The av is you.


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Jun 13, 2014
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soflagator;n83751 said:
Agree with divits. You nailed it.

Also just realized I saw you tonight. Section11ish, following the game. The av is you.

thank you very much and you are correct – that's me

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