Game Thread ***OFFICIAL GAME THREAD: UF vs UT***


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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
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UT has played 5 games. They blew out patsies Chattanooga, NC State, and Kent State. They scored 25 points to beat a mediocre Oklahoma team by 10, then the abomination against Arkansas (coming off a bye, mind you), where they were shut out at halftime and managed a measly 14 points in a loss. Not only does everyone know now that they aren't that good after all, their OFFENSE isn't even that good.

One thing is for sure - their players and fans are TERRIFIED they could lose this game to sorry UF. How many times have our Gators crushed their souls? After Arkansas shattered their confidence, I think they have gone from expecting a blowout revenge game to hoping they just squeak out any kind of win.

The major difference this year is that most of our fans don't really WANT to win this one. They are scared that wins like these could lead to season 4 of Billyball.


TN G8tr

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The "Original" TN G8tr
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Jun 14, 2014
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It wouldn't be Toothless with without this........................................


TN G8tr

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The "Original" TN G8tr
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Jun 14, 2014
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And this one as well, AGAIN...........................


TN G8tr

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The "Original" TN G8tr
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Jun 14, 2014
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Go win it, I think Billy's future is already set and has been set for a while. UF could surely use this one.

FOOK TOOTHLESS, Heupel, and Big Vol Daddy. Let the trash talk begin.



Founding Member
It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
Founding Member
It was nice to see UF actually put some pressure on (and even sack!) the quarterback against UCF. UT's pansy QB is struggling, it's imperative we do the same thing.

Could a turnover even be forced? :faint:

Homer J

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Jun 12, 2014
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If you let me start the thread, we could have guaranteed a victory. Now, we have to sweat it out.


Founding Member
It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
Founding Member
If you let me start the thread, we could have guaranteed a victory. Now, we have to sweat it out.
You didn't "start" the last one. I moved your post to a new thread. I keep waiting for others to have the balls to start game threads, and I'm usually disappointed.


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The Sicilian
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Jun 11, 2014
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UT has played 5 games. They blew out patsies Chattanooga, NC State, and Kent State. They scored 25 points to beat a mediocre Oklahoma team by 10, then the abomination against Arkansas (coming off a bye, mind you), where they were shut out at halftime and managed a measly 14 points in a loss. Not only does everyone know now that they aren't that good after all, their OFFENSE isn't even that good.

One thing is for sure - their players and fans are TERRIFIED they could lose this game to sorry UF. How many times have our Gators crushed their souls? After Arkansas shattered their confidence, I think they have gone from expecting a blowout revenge game to hoping they just squeak out any kind of win.

The major difference this year is that most of our fans don't really WANT to win this one. They are scared that wins like these could lead to season 4 of Billyball.

They are in full panic mode right now. If we get an early lead that stadium is going to be dead silent.


Lifetime Member
Oct 15, 2018
Didnt watch much of the UT Ark game but the parts I did see it looked like Nico finally played like a freshman with the moment too big for him.

Did yall see the post game locker room celebration by Coach Napier with the team? It was like we won the SEC or beat a really good team. It was fuggin UCF yet they celebrate like its more. And after a crappy 2nd half. Coach Napier should have been yelling at them for that horrible 2nd half that let UCF back in the game (but some of it wasn't the players fault, most of it was the coaches fault).

UT on the other hand is probably going to be pretty focused this week in practices.

I think we are going to get hammered. Ugly loss.


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too sexy for my shirt
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Jun 13, 2014
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I don't see us winning this one. But if you stop their tempo we have a chance

Altitude Gator

Lurking from Altitude
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Aug 23, 2017
Night game again, so I might get to watch even if I am still hunting. Not 3xpecting much makes these things more bearable...and alcohol!


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A Muffin of the Studly Variety
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Jun 13, 2014
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We beat a one dimensional football team in UCF. All we had to do was commit to stopping the run. Gus Malzahn's offense sucks and reminds me of Muschamp and to some extent Billy. We played inspired and interesting football for one half before reverting back to drudgery ball. Nothing tells me we won't do the same against Toothless. We win the first half and lose it in the second.

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