threatmatrix said:
According to a few people on here the F$U admin was fed up and the big boosters were fed up and they were gonna get rid of Rapey. But the truth that has always been proved is football controls that university. There is no room for dignity when you're halF aSs U
Speaking for myself, what I had heard was about the 1/2 game suspension, and many nole fans are disgusted with and embarrassed by winston's behavior and the way the school has handled it. What I was saying was that the president was responsive to the calls and letters from fans and I thought that was one of the reasons for the whole game suspension, along with the pressure from tiitle IX and national image issues.
The rumors coming out of tally ffsu employees and criminal justice system employee are about another matter and time will tell if they are based on anything or result in any significant changes. It is interesting to me though, that the one from the justice system employee is said to pre date last week's student union episode by a week.