Side Hustle...

Concrete Helmet

Hook, Line, and Sinker
Lifetime Member
Jul 29, 2014
Last year we were on vacation on the 4th of July and received a call from a top executive at our largest client wanting to know what we were doing and why he wasn't invited. When we informed him we were on vacation he told us there was some huge event going on at our building. Our office building is located just outside of downtown Orlando and within minutes walking distance to Lake Eola where there is a huge fireworks display every year on the 4th.
Well upon arriving at work a few days later it was obvious that someone had set up a paid parking lot on our property. They even left their cardboard sign laying in the grass next to the sidewalk....Since then I have made up rollable post sunk in concrete with chain which can be attached and signs reading "No Trespassing" and "Private Property" which I have put up at notice of any event since then.

Well lately my 16y/o son has been bothering me about "side hustles" and is even selling electronics, shoes and other items online. So I was thinking instead of putting up the signs on the 4th I will have him come with me and we'll set up our own paid parking. Here's the kicker...I really don't want people parking there so I plan on charging $150 per car.....except to our best clients who sometimes ask to part there at such events(we'll send out emails informing them they can park for free of course).

I also thought it might be entertaining to video some of the responses from people who inquire when we tell them the price and let my son post it on his SM accounts.

Now I know some of you are thinking this will be a waste of time....BS... there are hundreds of toolbags in Orlando driving around downtown by our office all the time in Lambo's, Porsches, high end BMW's, McLarens and other high dollar rides who probably will pay stupid money to impress their women and be able to park 5 minutes from the show. It would also be if it turns out that way a good opportunity to video such rides leaving(of course another condition will be they have to rev and do burnouts leaving)
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Bernardo de la Paz

Founding Member
Florida Victorious Member
Lifetime Member
Jun 12, 2014
Founding Member
Our office building is located just outside of downtown Orlando

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