Tuesday Favorites…. The Fun Scale


Not Seedy
Lifetime Member
Jul 24, 2020

There’s a 3-value “fun scale”

  • Type 1 Fun: Type 1 fun is fun while you’re doing it. Downhill skiing, finding a beautiful view, and the moment when you summit a peak are all examples of Type 1 fun. Basically, it’s what you already thought of as fun.
  • Type 2 Fun: Type 2 fun isn’t necessarily fun in the moment, but it’s always fun in retrospect. Think really challenging, pumpy climbs, super long hikes/bike rides, and unexpectedly cold and rainy trips where you don’t let the rain stop you. One great thing about the concept of Type 2 fun is that once you’ve been introduced to it, you recognize it when it’s happening and think of it in the moment as something that’ll be fun in the future…which makes it more fun in the here and now. Lots of people describe themselves as Type 2 fun enthusiasts.
  • Type 3 Fun: Last, and definitely least, Type 3 fun…it just ain’t fun. Things that are Type 3 fun aren’t fun when you’re doing them, and also aren’t fun afterwards. The dentist, freezing your ass off, and running out of water all fall into this category. But there’s a silver lining to Type 3 fun―it usually makes for a good story!


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Jul 15, 2014

There needs to be some kind of hybrid "Type" that encompasses the range of "fun to remember" to "makes a great story," but includes things like "colossally stupid" with "was fun/seemed like a good idea at the time" combined with an occaisional "should probably be dead."

When I think about it, this hybrid Type ALWAYS included alcohol, or did at least 92.4% of the time.


Member in good standing
Lifetime Member
Jul 23, 2014
Type III
We climbed Mt Sherman about six years ago- 14,036 feet. It took forever getting to the summit and forever getting down. I literally couldn’t walk the next day. Great views but I don’t think I’ve ever been in that much pain. Never again.
My son proposed to his girlfriend at the top and she turned out to be a narcissistic drugged up ho.
So - not a great set of memories were made that day.


Not Seedy
Lifetime Member
Jul 24, 2020

There needs to be some kind of hybrid "Type" that encompasses the range of "fun to remember" to "makes a great story," but includes things like "colossally stupid" with "was fun/seemed like a good idea at the time" combined with an occaisional "should probably be dead."

When I think about it, this hybrid Type ALWAYS included alcohol, or did at least 92.4% of the time.
One person’s fun scale is not the same for everyone. Seedy and I have two stories where they don’t match up so I’ll leave the definition up to each person to define.


Not Seedy
Lifetime Member
Jul 24, 2020
Type III
We climbed Mt Sherman about six years ago- 14,036 feet. It took forever getting to the summit and forever getting down. I literally couldn’t walk the next day. Great views but I don’t think I’ve ever been in that much pain. Never again.
My son proposed to his girlfriend at the top and she turned out to be a narcissistic drugged up ho.
So - not a great set of memories were made that day.
Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Jul 15, 2014
One person’s fun scale is not the same for everyone. Seedy and I have two stories where they don’t match up so I’ll leave the definition up to each person to define.
In the hybrid scenario, it's only fun if you don't die, otherwise, not so much!


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Jul 15, 2014
Type III
We climbed Mt Sherman about six years ago- 14,036 feet. It took forever getting to the summit and forever getting down. I literally couldn’t walk the next day. Great views but I don’t think I’ve ever been in that much pain. Never again.
My son proposed to his girlfriend at the top and she turned out to be a narcissistic drugged up ho.
So - not a great set of memories were made that day.
I'll bet the sex above the O2 line was pretty awesome... just sayin'


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Jul 15, 2014
Not with his Mom, Dad and dog present.
This reminds me of Gutfeld last night... they were talking about that Australian chick who's "goal" this year was to have sex with 600 men. She said her parents were "proud" of what she was doing...

After the discussion, the panel agreed that "if your parents won't witness said act, complete with 'go girl!' signs held high, they probably aren't proud of what you are doing." :lol:

PS I have a thing for Mogran Ortagus.


Founding Member
Proud Garbage
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Jun 12, 2014
Founding Member
20 years ago a bunch of friends and I decided to visit his folks in Twin Falls, Idaho. He grew up in the area and wanted to take us hiking in the Sawtooths. Sheep Mountain I believe but I could be wrong. We had to take a boat ride to the trailhead and the boat captain said "Good luck" when we got off.... so I knew we were in trouble.

This was in the beginning of summer and it had to be 90 degrees on the lake. We all had a couple of small tents, a few bites to eat.... and several cases of beer. We eventually reach unmelted snow and bear warning signs. The beer told us to keep walking. We ended up sleeping on top of several feet of snow in essentially shorts and a tshirt. The person who brought the little camp stove didnt check to see if they had gas. I have never been that cold and hungry in my life. Everyone's legs were bleeding from breaking through the icy snow. At day break, miserable and hungover, I told them I would meet them back at the dock. I jogged the whole way there and took a 3 hour nap in the glorious sun before the next person finally made it.

It was easily one of the most miserable experiences of my life.

And I look back at it fondly.


Not Seedy
Lifetime Member
Jul 24, 2020
20 years ago a bunch of friends and I decided to visit his folks in Twin Falls, Idaho. He grew up in the area and wanted to take us hiking in the Sawtooths. Sheep Mountain I believe but I could be wrong. We had to take a boat ride to the trailhead and the boat captain said "Good luck" when we got off.... so I knew we were in trouble.

This was in the beginning of summer and it had to be 90 degrees on the lake. We all had a couple of small tents, a few bites to eat.... and several cases of beer. We eventually reach unmelted snow and bear warning signs. The beer told us to keep walking. We ended up sleeping on top of several feet of snow in essentially shorts and a tshirt. The person who brought the little camp stove didnt check to see if they had gas. I have never been that cold and hungry in my life. Everyone's legs were bleeding from breaking through the icy snow. At day break, miserable and hungover, I told them I would meet them back at the dock. I jogged the whole way there and took a 3 hour nap in the glorious sun before the next person finally made it.

It was easily one of the most miserable experiences of my life.

And I look back at it fondly.
So… Type 1 fun level for someone that jumps out of planes.


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Not Seedy
Lifetime Member
Jul 24, 2020
I've got two Type III "fun" stories and it was from the same trip. It was out of my comfort zone back then and 30 years later it still is now.

It was on a dive trip aboard a schooner in Belize. They took us out on two night dives. You can only see ~ two feet in front of you with the flashlight and a constant eerie feeling like something is behind you. It was amazing because diving in the dark allows you to see things you wouldn't otherwise see but I can check that off the list. Not doing it again.

The dive master took us on a 100' dive into the Blue Hole. While I'm certified for 100' he took us down to 120' and there really isn't much to see. We shouldn't have done it and I wouldn't do it again.



Not Seedy
Lifetime Member
Jul 24, 2020

There needs to be some kind of hybrid "Type" that encompasses the range of "fun to remember" to "makes a great story," but includes things like "colossally stupid" with "was fun/seemed like a good idea at the time" combined with an occaisional "should probably be dead."

When I think about it, this hybrid Type ALWAYS included alcohol, or did at least 92.4% of the time.
Ok then, go ahead caller. We are listening.

What’s your Type IV hybrid fun?


Not Seedy
Lifetime Member
Jul 24, 2020
Both Type III....just sayin'
What doesn’t kill you….well, doesn’t kill you.


Next time you should sit in the front of the Kayak to Death Island and also don't zip line in a lightening storm. But I might do both again. :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
Jul 15, 2014
20 years ago a bunch of friends and I decided to visit his folks in Twin Falls, Idaho. He grew up in the area and wanted to take us hiking in the Sawtooths. Sheep Mountain I believe but I could be wrong. We had to take a boat ride to the trailhead and the boat captain said "Good luck" when we got off.... so I knew we were in trouble.

This was in the beginning of summer and it had to be 90 degrees on the lake. We all had a couple of small tents, a few bites to eat.... and several cases of beer. We eventually reach unmelted snow and bear warning signs. The beer told us to keep walking. We ended up sleeping on top of several feet of snow in essentially shorts and a tshirt. The person who brought the little camp stove didnt check to see if they had gas. I have never been that cold and hungry in my life. Everyone's legs were bleeding from breaking through the icy snow. At day break, miserable and hungover, I told them I would meet them back at the dock. I jogged the whole way there and took a 3 hour nap in the glorious sun before the next person finally made it.

It was easily one of the most miserable experiences of my life.

And I look back at it fondly.
Was Diddy one of your friends? If yes, you mighta missed a whole 'nuther category of "Type" when you jogged away.

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