- Jun 11, 2014
- 8,664
- 2,104
Founding Member
I believe everyone should know their level. Ox created the levels on the old board. Here they are:
oxrageous said:With all the you-aren't-a-real-Gator-fan accusations flying right and left from the elites among us this season, I think it's time we all start identifying ourselves with a proper fan ranking. After all, some of us are just plain damn more important Gators than others.
Level 13: Former/current Gator football or basketball player or coach
Level 12: Former/current Gator coach or athlete other sports
Level 11: Former UF student (graduate Bull Gator/big money booster)
Level 10: Former UF student (graduate small money booster)
Level 9: Former UF student (graduate non-booster)
Level 8: Current UF student (not yet graduated)
Level 7: Former/current employee of UF (non alum)
Level 6: Former UF student (dropped out)
Level 5: Former/current season ticket holder (non alum)
Level 4: Former/current resident of Gainesville
Level 3: Former/current resident of Florida
Level 2: Never set foot in the state of Florida
Level 1: Never set foot in the United States
Now we can identify ourselves by levels when there's a dispute. The member with the higher level will automatically win, as he/she is the superior Gator. This is extremely important and I think is going to solve a lot of future problems on the board.