Wyatt Langford tearing it up, hits for the cycle


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I Deliver
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I don’t care
Jun 10, 2014
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Pretty dud announcement by that coach. Missed opportunity to make it special.


Preston Brooks
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Jan 3, 2018
Pretty dud announcement by that coach. Missed opportunity to make it special.
Hey Debbie, it was probably already a forgone conclusion and "oh, BTW..in case you hadn't already figure it out we aren't fking stupid and recognize that you belong with the big boys but just incase you are wondering, we will make it official".

Durty South Swamp

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doodley doodley doo!
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Jun 19, 2014
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it was very known that he had made it to the show. national articles and sports reporters discussing it the past 2 weeks. one article came out and said bochy watched him take BP 2 weeks ago and came back to the office and said hes the best player on the roster. i think the official announcement of it was just fine.

Durty South Swamp

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doodley doodley doo!
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Jun 19, 2014
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He threw someone out at the plate from deep left field this week as well. Dude is an absolute stud. Despite skenes performance, if he keeps it up hell be rookie of the year.


SAC Trained Warrior
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Feb 15, 2016
Philosophical question. Why is hitting for the cycle celebrated more the hitting 4 homeruns? Does someone stop at first when they could have made it to second just so they have a single and not two doubles? Asking for a friend.

Durty South Swamp

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doodley doodley doo!
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Jun 19, 2014
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Philosophical question. Why is hitting for the cycle celebrated more the hitting 4 homeruns? Does someone stop at first when they could have made it to second just so they have a single and not two doubles? Asking for a friend.
It's the novelty of it. Very rare to see. But you are absolutely correct, any hitter and any manager for that matter would take a bunch of extra base hits or multiple homers over a cycle.


SAC Trained Warrior
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Feb 15, 2016
Was at a Twins game where Paul Molitor hit for the cycle. I remember that. Can't remember who won. Interesting.


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Poo Flinger
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Jun 12, 2014
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Philosophical question. Why is hitting for the cycle celebrated more the hitting 4 homeruns? Does someone stop at first when they could have made it to second just so they have a single and not two doubles? Asking for a friend.
By no stretch of the imagination is hitting for the cycle celebrated more than hitting. You hear about it more because it happens a lot more. There are like 345 cycles in the history of the game. In contrast, only 18 players have hit 4 homers in one game. For example, when hard hittin' Mark Whiten did it for the Cards in 1993 it was 9 more years until the feat was done again. When 4 homers does happen, you hear about it.

As for Langford, what I really like about him is the aggressiveness on the base paths. I've always been a fan of putting pressure on the defense with aggressive base running.

Swamp Donkey

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Jun 9, 2014
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Philosophical question. Why is hitting for the cycle celebrated more the hitting 4 homeruns? Does someone stop at first when they could have made it to second just so they have a single and not two doubles? Asking for a friend.
I was discussing that with a guy who was a mid-level college player. He asked if you had hit a home run a triple and a double, and then you hit another into the gap would you stop at first to get your cycle. My answer was no. I would always try to stretch into a double if I thought I could. To me scoring four runs in a game is a better day than hitting for a cycle.

The triple is really the only rare thing in a cycle anyway. Frankly a triple is either extreme speed from the hitter or bad defense from the outfielder.

Durty South Swamp

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doodley doodley doo!
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Jun 19, 2014
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I was discussing that with a guy who was a mid-level college player. He asked if you had hit a home run a triple and a double, and then you hit another into the gap would you stop at first to get your cycle. My answer was no. I would always try to stretch into a double if I thought I could. To me scoring four runs in a game is a better day than hitting for a cycle.

The triple is really the only rare thing in a cycle anyway. Frankly a triple is either extreme speed from the hitter or bad defense from the outfielder.
Eh, there are certain places that a ball can be hit to, and if it travels at the right speed, can be a triple no matter what the defense does. But for the most part I agree.

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