Chip Kelly to UCLA: $4 Mil/Year

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Jun 11, 2014
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The only coach that we should be keeping is Jujuan Seider. Nobody else.

Edit: Unless Shannon wants to be a co-DC/linebackers coach. Like before.


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2014
Again, I don’t disagree that they’re less talented or that we’ve had injuries. I also don’t disagree that the offense has sucked balls, but I think we need mostly a clean slate, and that includes Shannon.

Yes, can't get rid of every assistant on staff if you're bringing in a guy with no previous connections to the south/SEC. Shannon probably has more coaching gravitas than Skipper or Rumph. Seider has only been there one year.


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Sep 2, 2015
Concerning Shannon, I don't think he's a bad DC. He had some great defenses at UM, but he had great players who were coached well. We are well short of players and at least Skipper appears to be deficient in his duties (as Law has said). Rumph certainly doesn't seem to be getting the most out of the DL, but maybe I'm giving our guys too much credit upfront too. I way underestimated the talent drop off from last year to this year. That being said, I'm not advocating for Shannon, but I would not be upset if we kept him. Just can't keep everyone else too. And if Shannon stays as DC, I would expect Rumph to stay as well, they appear pretty tight.

As for Shannon the recruiter, his biggest asset appears to be keeping us from recruiting the trouble makers from SFL. I know that sounds funny given AC's transgressions and the CC deal, but AC was in the 1st class and they likely didn't have time to vet, and some kids are just sheltered and don't come out of their dipshyt shell until they move away. If not for AC, it's been said the others likely don't go along with the scam. Smith was the "brains" behind the deal and he is from GA.
WTH? We lost 10 players due to credit card fraud which are all from southy.


Call me Ernie, or Big Ern
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Sep 24, 2015
Yes, can't get rid of every assistant on staff if you're bringing in a guy with no previous connections to the south/SEC. Shannon probably has more coaching gravitas than Skipper or Rumph. Seider has only been there one year.

Where did I say every assistant on the staff? I said a mostly clean slate. If they keep Shannon, whatever, but he doesn’t need to be the DC/Associate Head Coach. Like Law said, pretty sure it’s a moot point anyway, he will get a better offer elsewhere.


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I'm what Willis was talking about
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Jun 11, 2014
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WTH? We lost 10 players due to credit card fraud which are all from southy.

It was 9 players:
Kadeem Telfort - SFL
Antonio Callaway - SFL
Keivonnis Davis - SFL
Richerd Desir-Jones - SFL
Jordan Smith - GA
James Houston - SFL
Ventrell Miller - CFL
Rick Wells - NFL
Jordan Scarlett - SFL

So six guys from SFL versus your 10. Only 40% off. As stated many times, Smith came up with the scam and AC pushed it. If not for AC, the other guys likely don't follow. Just because they followed and did something stupid doesn't mean that it was foreseen in their recruitment. It's SFL dude, I really don't know what your expectations are from down there.


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Oct 7, 2017


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Oct 29, 2017
It’s for the players. Not the coaches. They get swag out of it. Playing in a bowl game won’t stop Kelly from recruiting.
I get that, but you actually think the players will show up and play, they haven't shown up since the tenn game.
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Swamp Donkey

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Austin Gator
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Jun 14, 2014
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I hope they do turn down the bowl if it's offered, and I hope it does piss off the players. Bowl games are rewards for players. These guys don't deserve it. These guys have been coddled enough.

I like the idea of dropping the dead weight coaches asap and get guys on the recruiting trail instead of prepping for a worthless game. I see the benefits of retaining Shannon at least a year to help keep this class together and to encourage buy-in with current players. Agree with Law that the defense wasn't his fault this year.

Also I believe Ox's source just like I still believe the info on Hugh Freeze 3 years ago. It makes sense that they would be interested in Freeze but then backed out cause they didn't want to be in a bidding war. I also wouldn't be surprised if Kelly wasn't initially their top choice, but he's a proven, successful guy that's available now. Of course you take him. Glad we have an AD that is actually trying to hire the right guy.

I posted in one of the other threads that we were vetting Kelly before a lot of this came out. I have no issue with that and I believe that we may announce Friday.

I don't believe for a second there is value to dropping a bowl game. I think all bowl games are meaningless, but extra practice is always good (even with other coaches) and the SEC gets money and the players get swag (even for a crappy bowl game). The last thing I would want to do is slam player moral more.

Chip can make calls and recruit. Many of the new guys hired will be coaching their teams in bowl games. Chip will have all the free time he needs and he needs to figure out hiring guys. Anybody he hires can call recruits while working with their other team. There is literally ZERO recruiting benefit to cancelling the bowl game. That statement is what proves the source is false.


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Sep 4, 2014

"Florida can't truly begin dance with Kelly, then introduce Matt Campbell, or Justin Fuente, or Dan Mullen or even Scott Frost. You've put Kelly on the menu. You can't start out headed for Bern's and end up at Golden Corral."

Agree on the others, but disagree on Frost. The benefit of going after Kelly first is that he's available, and we're not stepping on another program's toes during their season. If we land him, great. If not, it's easy to explain that he wasn't necessarily the top target but the most readily accessible. Swap the order, and not only do you stand the risk of losing CK, but it would be very definitive that he was a plan b.

Frost would still be a slam dunk.
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