Freshman aren't allowed to talk to the media - good or bad idea?


Senior Member
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Sep 4, 2014
Go follow a few of our players on Twitter. Generally speaking, I'd be in favor of them being off-limits until graduation.

Probably for the best, at least until they acclimtate to the stage they're on.


Sunshine Spreader
Sep 5, 2014
Like most blanket policies, not a perfect solution. For the one Freshman that has his act together enough to grant a good interview, their would be several others that it would be a bad idea. Heck, it's not limited to freshman. I think a majority of player interviews are an embarrassment to an educational institution.

Captain Sasquatch

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Mr. SQ, the Sashole
Jun 10, 2014
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There are a lot of schools with this policy in place, most notably Texas A&M when they wouldn't let Johnny Manziel talk to the media his Heisman season. Then again, maybe they didn't want people knowing his true nature that early in his career.......


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Jun 11, 2014
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QueenCityGator;n103113 said:
do you say neh-vah-da or neh-vaw-da?

It's not a matter of how I say it, but how it's actually pronounced. Not sure either of you phonetics are correct.

Nevada is pronounced Ne Vad (rhymes with mad, sad, dad) a Not Ne VOD a
Ne - 'e' is pronounced as 'e' in 'pet'
VAD - VAD - rhymes with DAD
a - pronounced as 'u' in 'up'


Bad Mother....
Lifetime Member
Sep 8, 2014
It's Muschamp trying to be Saban again. It should depend on the player. The starting QB? Hell yes he should be able to talk to the media.


Founding Member
Jun 11, 2014
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I agree that Freshman should be off limits to the media. Just because you're a star on the field doesn't mean that you're seasoned enough to answer a flurry of media inquiries. In addition, there's an issue with our sports starts exhibiting humility. If you're a star right out of the gate as a freshman and everyone is pimping you, it's the coaching staff's job to teach and enforce humility for the betterment of the team. Not allowing them media access helps them to that end. It's good for the team. And the young player's personal growth. I don't think any underclassmen should be allowed access to the media. Freshman/sophomore/RSFr/RSSoph


Well-Known Member
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Aug 28, 2014
Sounds like a great rule at first. It protects the player, it protects the University, and it protects the team. But there are certainly some high character guys that you want speaking at all times: Tebow, Danny Wuerffle abd Chris Leak come to mind as people I'd want in front of the camera even as freshman.


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Jun 12, 2014
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The blanket rule allows the support staff to work with the under men to teach them how to handle the good and bad of the media. Is it completely fair, absolutely not. But as a general rule it helps much more than it hurts.


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Chatterbox Mod
Jun 11, 2014
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I like the rule. Freshmen shouldn't be talking to the media.


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Jun 11, 2014
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I like the rule. Freshman have enough to deal with, especially a freshman qb, without having to worry about the media. If you really want to hear from a player there are countless types of social media you can look at.


Junior Member
Aug 26, 2014
GatorFin;n103230 said:
Going to leave this here. By the way gatorsssss he said sKrait. THE HORROR!!!!

I have noticed a lot of players are like that. You would think somebody that is at a university of higher learning would be able to speak to where people could understand them. There are very very college players that are able to do good post game interviews. Listen to Winston at FSU, dude sounds about 2 iq points from being a cucumber. Patric Young always had good media skills. I am in favor for not letting Freshmen do interviews, hell I would be okay with just letting upper classmen do them.


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Score Points, Be Happy
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Jun 13, 2014
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I like the rule that freshman keep their mouth shut to the media... concentrate on school, the team, your game and learn by instruction and observation on how to handle oneself in front of the camera. You represent many people and the University in front of that thing, plus you need to complete ENC 1101 first and learn how to temper your big head :lol: I'm good with the rule.

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