Military Action in Iraq


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No One Important!
Jun 20, 2014
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We are getting ready to enjoy another year of something we dearly love, College Football. On the other side of the world, President Obama has sent our Troops and Airmen in to harms way, to save innocent men, women and children from unimaginable atrocities. Let's remember our men and women, as they do what Americans do - help the innocent and the weak. I have been there and it's an experience that changes you. Not only are they at risk of losing their lives or being severely wounded, they will have to carry the memories with them for the rest of their lives. Seeing a dead child or any innocent human, burns a stain in to your soul. Until the mission is complete and our people come home, please keep them at the forefront of your thoughts.


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Jun 11, 2014
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I was deployed to Kuwait when Khobar towers was bombed. We went immediately into Threatcon Delta. It's odd to be driving around Kuwait city in full combat gear with a loaded M-16. That would be similar to seeing seeing the same thing in New York City. Though not quite the same size scale but Kuwait's largest city.


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No One Important!
Jun 20, 2014
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GatorJ said:
I was deployed to Kuwait when Khobar towers was bombed. We went immediately into Threatcon Delta. It's odd to be driving around Kuwait city in full combat gear with a loaded M-16. That would be similar to seeing seeing the same thing in New York City. Though not quite the same size scale but Kuwait's largest city.
It's a sobering experience when you witness what it's like to live in another country and it, quickly, makes you appreciate our country.

Thank you for your service!


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Dazed and Confused
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Jun 9, 2014
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The atrocities at the hands of ISIS began some time ago. Hopefully the limited action ordered by the POTUS puts a damper on the movement. Prayers for all Americans in Iraq, civilians and military, during this tense time.


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"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war."
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Jun 11, 2014
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The Religion of Peace... My Azz!


Member in good standing
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Jul 23, 2014
And can airstrikes prevent guerilla night raids by ISIS against those folks exposed on the mountain? Hope so... because those folks are in a bad place. If I'm not mistaken, they have ISIS to their front and the Iranian or Syrian border to their backs. How's that for a rock and a hard place?


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No One Important!
Jun 20, 2014
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We have Special Ops on the ground, I'm sure. They pretty much direct the air attacks. Hopefully, this will help the Iraqi forces get control. Those people are in a terrible place. I saw the bodies of some of the children that have died in those mountains and it made me even angrier. Obama sold those people out when he turned his back on them. They were some of our most dependable allies when we first went to war. I doubt they have much faith in us now.


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Senior Vulcan Cowboy
Jun 16, 2014
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By my understanding the strikes are only to be used to prevent ISIS from attacking in a very limited area. Not to eliminate the threat in general at all. Seems like a political reaction to prevent another embarrassing attack on our embassy personnel, not to roll back ISIS. Now I would prefer that we eliminate every ISIS fighter we can find.


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A Muffin of the Studly Variety
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Jun 13, 2014
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If I were a younger man and an opportunity existed for me to sign up to kill those mother f**kers I'd be the first in line. Not since Nazi Germany has there been such a heinous cadre of lunatics. They are like vermin. There is no reasoning with them. There is no negotiating with them. The only option left with a fanatical group of madmen like this is wiping out every last living one of them.


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No One Important!
Jun 20, 2014
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VulcanAlex said:
By my understanding the strikes are only to be used to prevent ISIS from attacking in a very limited area. Not to eliminate the threat in general at all. Seems like a political reaction to prevent another embarrassing attack on our embassy personnel, not to roll back ISIS. Now I would prefer that we eliminate every ISIS fighter we can find.
Unfortunately, we dont have a President who sees these people for what they are and he has coddled them. Plus, he lacks the leadership and backbone to do what needs to be done. He sent our military in with one hand tied behind their backs.


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Cunning Linguist; RIP
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Jun 11, 2014
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I blame the Crusaders. They had their chance in 1096 and failed to complete the job.


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Jun 12, 2014
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And the news is reporting a coup in the Iraqi government. This is going to get worse before it gets better. And these ISIS folks, aren't they the same ones we were supporting with weapons to fight in Syria? Did we sort of set them up for this unintended consequence of meddling in other nations affairs?


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A Muffin of the Studly Variety
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Jun 13, 2014
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TallyGator said:
And the news is reporting a coup in the Iraqi government. This is going to get worse before it gets better. And these ISIS folks, aren't they the same ones we were supporting with weapons to fight in Syria? Did we sort of set them up for this unintended consequence of meddling in other nations affairs?
No. We didn't support them in Syria. We supported one of the other factions who actually fought against both Assad and ISIS. And our support was tepid at best.


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Cunning Linguist; RIP
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Jun 11, 2014
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Maliki is the reason the Kurds don't have the necessary weapons to defend themselves now. The Sunnis and Shiites (under Maliki) took the kurds share of the oil revenues, keeping them barefoot and pregnant with no voice in government.. He refuses to step down. And ISIS was created as a result of this administration hot having a plan for Libya after it engineered the overthrow of Khaddafi.


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"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war."
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Jun 11, 2014
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Turn the sand into glass!

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