The Top 25 Jobs in College Football (1. Florida)


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Aug 28, 2014
The Top 25 Jobs in College Football

Three years ago I ranked the top 25 jobs in college football. The goal with the ranking was to eliminate current team and coach status from the equation -- after all, good players and good coaches are somewhat cyclical -- and answer the question that college football fans debate all the time: What's the best job in college football?
An easy way of thinking about this is by asking yourself this question: At which school could Nick Saban, the best coach in college football today, most easily win a national championship? Essentially you're analyzing a variety of factors -- fan support, facilities, history, recruiting footprints and conference strength -- all rolled into one equation. That sounds difficult in theory because it's so subjective, but when you really break it down athletic department revenues are a pretty good reflection of fan support, facilities, and history. After all, the more money an athletic department produces the more fan support, facilities and history are likely to be stellar. Recruiting strength isn't that hard to determine either since you can easily determine where the top players come from by looking at available data. (Nearly 40 percent of all FBS football recruits come from Texas, Florida and California. Toss in Georgia and Ohio, and 52.4 percent of all FBS recruits come from just five states.)
Of course, every single coach has his own idea of what the best job in the country is -- every coach will also tell you he has the best job in the country the day before he leaps to a new job -- so this list isn't subjective based on the coach. That is, a coach may well favor his own geographic region or his alma mater or the school he grew up rooting for over another job that's objectively better. At any given time the right coach can make any job much better than the program would otherwise reflect. But we're in search of something more interesting. Presume that coaches were conducting a fantasy draft of the best jobs in the country. Which would they draft first? That's our quest here with this list.

So what does Outkick's 2014 top 25 programs look like? Here we go:

1. Florida
The Florida Gators are the best job in the best conference in America. Long a sleeping giant of college football, Steve Spurrier awakened the mighty Gators and they've been on a tear ever since. Sure, Will Muschamp is presently on the hot seat, but look at the talent surrounding the Gators. Just about every top player in Florida wants to play in the SEC. The Gators are the only SEC program in the nation's top state. Nothing else compares with their recruiting advantages. As if that wasn't enough, Florida can also poach top players from South Georgia, one of the most fertile recruiting regions in the country.
With the SEC Network money about to come roaring in, the Gators, already the supremely dominant program in the state based on revenue and fan support, are poised to create even greater distance between themselves, Florida State and Miami. Within the next five years Florida's athletic department will be 60 or 70 million dollars a year bigger than FSU's.
It's just not fair.
Go Gators.



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Jun 24, 2014
Founding Member
No way...It's the University of Foley Gators...hogwash

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