Auto repair


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2020
Are any of y'all auto mechanics? I have a 2006 Dodge Durango that I bought used several years ago with very low mileage. We bought it to let our middle daughter drive it to high school and college. Occasionally when she would come to a stop the engine would just die. Put it in neutral or park and the engine would easily restart. Over the ~ 3 years that she drove it the problem started happening more often as time went on. Later she bought her own car so I started using it and the problem continued to worsen. It sometimes idles really rough. I have had it die on my while driving at 70 mph on the interstate. It still restarted just fine.

We have had all four oxygen sensors replaced as well as either the crank or cam position sensor but I can't remember which, just not both. Even replaced the catalytic converter but the problems continue.

Any thoughts about what is going on?

Swamp Donkey

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7-14 vs P5 Fire Stricklin First
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Jun 9, 2014
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Leak exhaust leak? What kind of code? Rich? Lean? No signal?


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2020
crankshaft position sensor
Possibly I suppose. Do you know where it is on the engine? I believe I replaced the cam position sensor and it was on the front of the engine on the passenger side. It obviously didn't make a difference...

Swamp Donkey

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7-14 vs P5 Fire Stricklin First
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Jun 9, 2014
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It has been several months since I had the codes read. Don't remember what they were. I'll try and get them sometime this weekend.
it really does matter which ones. I found that slight leaks can be compensated for by the O2 sensor to a point. people seem to miss those and also small vacuum leaks.


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Jun 11, 2014
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It has been several months since I had the codes read. Don't remember what they were. I'll try and get them sometime this weekend.
Get the adaptor plus the smart phone app to read and reset your codes


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Jun 11, 2014
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Doesn't a bad O2 sensor just puts your PCM into limp mode? It will play hell on your gas mileage but won't strand you.


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mostly peaceful protester
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Jun 12, 2014
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Replace the plugs, points and condenser....air filter too....blow it out on the interstate for about 59 miles with premium gas then trade it in on a Toyota


Well-Known Member
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Jul 15, 2014
Are any of y'all auto mechanics? I have a 2006 Dodge Durango that I bought used several years ago with very low mileage. We bought it to let our middle daughter drive it to high school and college. Occasionally when she would come to a stop the engine would just die. Put it in neutral or park and the engine would easily restart. Over the ~ 3 years that she drove it the problem started happening more often as time went on. Later she bought her own car so I started using it and the problem continued to worsen. It sometimes idles really rough. I have had it die on my while driving at 70 mph on the interstate. It still restarted just fine.

We have had all four oxygen sensors replaced as well as either the crank or cam position sensor but I can't remember which, just not both. Even replaced the catalytic converter but the problems continue.

Any thoughts about what is going on?

The flood water it sat in for 3 weeks is catching up to you. ;)


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The Hammer of Thor
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Jun 19, 2014
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For so many years we got by with a Haynes manual, a few basic tools, a shady spot to work, and the phone numbers of all the “you pull it” junkyards in a 100 mile radius.

Then they started putting computers in cars. :sadnanner:

One of my high school summer jobs was rebuilding alternators and starters. I think I’ve fixed or replaced everything on a car except for a transmission or an axle.

I used to help my friends and family with their cars too. I had a formula where I carefully calculated exactly how much it would cost and how long it would take for the repair. Then I’d double the cost and triple the time and come remarkably close to the reality.

I don’t mess with modern cars. Not worth it.


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