Subscription Sites


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Baba Booey Tata Toothy
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Jun 12, 2014
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Not sure what section to post this in, but oh well. With football season about 2 agonizingly slow months away, I always get antsy around this time of year. Generally speaking, I'm very eager to get any insider tidbits about the team whether on the recruiting front or otherwise. If any, what sites are worth subscribing to for "premium" content? Rivals, Scout, ESPN Insider, 247Sports? What say you, GCMB?


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Jun 24, 2014
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I'm interested in this as well. I'm a poor college student, so it needs to be worth the money.

Swamp Donkey

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13-19 vs P5
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Jun 9, 2014
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Nope IMO. They don't have crystal balls either. If I were actually wanting to throw the money around. It certainly wouldn't be ESPN, Rivals or Scout, at least for offseason football news. 247 and GC would be the only ones I'd consider. I don't know much about GC but I like their news so I'd hope their premium forum would be just as good.

If I were looking for recruiting, it would be Rivals (like them best, more focus on southeast), 247 (seems high quality), or Scouts (though try to cater to the people who scream "SEC Bias" all the time and I don't have much interest in faux 5 star kids from California or Ohio).

Heck all the breaking news is on twitter these days.


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Just don't care anymore
Jun 14, 2014
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There is so much available for free, I wouldn't spend the money for "insider" content.

I think the term "insider" is wayyyyyyyyy over used.

Swamp Donkey

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13-19 vs P5
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Jun 9, 2014
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The insider boards on Rivals do suck indeed. One subscription buys you all premium boards so you get spammed by dork rival kids constantly. It's Clowntown right now.


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Jun 11, 2014
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When BSPN runs those 2 years for a nickel specials they're worth it. They don't have much in CFB insider info but they have a ton of info on recruiting (though not the best). They're pretty good for insider NFL info.

Scout plain sucks. Rivals is ok. Gatorcountry is excellent IMO. Not a fan of their forums. Other than Gatoraz (who I don't think posts that often anymore) their forums are weak.

I hear 247 is best for CFB recruiting. They're running a special right now where they're a free trial till CFB starts. Might require a CC.

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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GatorJ said:
When BSPN runs those 2 years for a nickel specials they're worth it. They don't have much in CFB insider info but they have a ton of info on recruiting (though not the best). They're pretty good for insider NFL info.

Scout plain sucks. Rivals is ok. Gatorcountry is excellent IMO. Not a fan of their forums. Other than Gatoraz (who I don't think posts that often anymore) their forums are weak.

I hear 247 is best for CFB recruiting. They're running a special right now where they're a free trial till CFB starts. Might require a CC.
I have heard 24/7 is generally the best also.


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Jun 24, 2014
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GatorJ said:
When BSPN runs those 2 years for a nickel specials they're worth it. They don't have much in CFB insider info but they have a ton of info on recruiting (though not the best). They're pretty good for insider NFL info.

Scout plain sucks. Rivals is ok. Gatorcountry is excellent IMO. Not a fan of their forums. Other than Gatoraz (who I don't think posts that often anymore) their forums are weak.

I hear 247 is best for CFB recruiting. They're running a special right now where they're a free trial till CFB starts. Might require a CC.


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Baba Booey Tata Toothy
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Jun 12, 2014
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Good stuff! Thanks, guys.


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Jun 14, 2014
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Go to Books-a-Million get those preseason mags, sit in a comfy chair and get your fill. Then put the mag back and read the Scuba diving pictures.


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Jun 12, 2014
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The important news makes the papers or internet, or both. I would not pay a nickel for preseason news.


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too sexy for my shirt
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Jun 13, 2014
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GatorJ said:
When BSPN runs those 2 years for a nickel specials they're worth it. They don't have much in CFB insider info but they have a ton of info on recruiting (though not the best). They're pretty good for insider NFL info.

Scout plain sucks. Rivals is ok. Gatorcountry is excellent IMO. Not a fan of their forums. Other than Gatoraz (who I don't think posts that often anymore) their forums are weak.

I hear 247 is best for CFB recruiting. They're running a special right now where they're a free trial till CFB starts. Might require a CC.
Does the espn subscription come with the magazine?


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Jun 11, 2014
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GatorJ said:
When BSPN runs those 2 years for a nickel specials they're worth it. They don't have much in CFB insider info but they have a ton of info on recruiting (though not the best). They're pretty good for insider NFL info.

Scout plain sucks. Rivals is ok. Gatorcountry is excellent IMO. Not a fan of their forums. Other than Gatoraz (who I don't think posts that often anymore) their forums are weak.

I hear 247 is best for CFB recruiting. They're running a special right now where they're a free trial till CFB starts. Might require a CC.
Yes. And to be honest I haven't opened a single one up over the last 6 months. I read them during football season. And that's it. Bur sparingly even then. 80% of it is human interest stories. But not really interesting.


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No One Important!
Jun 20, 2014
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Gator Country is the best, in my opinion. I have a membership with ESPN, as well and I have tried all the other sites. GC has the most in depth coverage and some of their technical stuff is really good. Spivey does a pretty good job covering recruiting.


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Jun 11, 2014
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Just "like" or "follow" them all on twitter and facebook, you'll get all the news you can handle for free.


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Jun 23, 2014
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GIGator;n13626 said:
Gator Country is the best, in my opinion. I have a membership with ESPN, as well and I have tried all the other sites. GC has the most in depth coverage and some of their technical stuff is really good. Spivey does a pretty good job covering recruiting.

Spivey just gets so... sweaty sometimes.


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Jun 23, 2014
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For what it's worth, I've tried out the "insider" boards at GatorCountry and Scout within the last couple of years and there's nothing special posted there. Back in the day, there was some true "insider" information that you could get by way of a subscription but nowadays everyone knows everything quickly thanks to the Twitters and other social media.


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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
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DocZaius;n13774 said:
For what it's worth, I've tried out the "insider" boards at GatorCountry and Scout within the last couple of years and there's nothing special posted there. Back in the day, there was some true "insider" information that you could get by way of a subscription but nowadays everyone knows everything quickly thanks to the Twitters and other social media.
This is what I have seen as well. It's very difficult to get true inside information anymore because the coaches are so hush-hush on everything, and a journalist who blabs something the coach doesn't like will just be cut off.

Homer J

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Jun 12, 2014
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JC_Gator said:
I'm interested in this as well. I'm a poor college student, so it needs to be worth the money.
I know this sounds old fashion but go to Publix and read the magazines.I use to do that when I was in the Army, go to the mall and read magazines in the bookstores.

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