TMZ: Rape accuser attempted to extort Winston?

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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TMZ: Rape accuser attempted to extort Winston

Per a report by on Wednesday morning, the individual who accused Florida State redshirt sophomore quarterback Jameis Winston of rape attempted to extort 7 million dollars from the quarterback.
Here is the report from TMZ:
Jameis Winston's lawyer has fired off a letter to Florida State University ... claiming the woman who accused his client of rape demanded $7 MILLION to buy her silence.
David Cornwell, the lawyer for the Heisman Trophy winner, sent a letter to FSU, saying Winston will fully cooperate with the University's ongoing investigation into the handling of the rape charges. The alleged victim claims the University engaged in sexual discrimination by sweeping her claims under the rug to protect its prized athlete.
According to the letter -- obtained by TMZ -- the alleged victim's lawyer, Patricia Carroll, demanded $7 MIL to settle her client's claims against FSU and Winston, telling Cornwell, "If we settle, you will never hear from my client or me again -- in the press or anywhere."
Cornwell says he rejected her offer and 4 days later she went to the media.
Cornwell also says Carroll claimed her client's sexual encounter had to be rape, because she would never sleep with a "black boy."
Cornwell also added in the letter that his client, Winston, will fully cooperate in the Title IX investigation but "will not walk into a honey trap. The Investigation must be a legitimate investigation."

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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Cornwell also says Carroll claimed her client's sexual encounter had to be rape, because she would never sleep with a "black boy."

I don't think even a stupid lawyer would say something like that but the rest of it wouldn't surprise me. If there is any proof of this it may hurt the civil trial case if it comes to that.


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Austin Gator
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Jun 14, 2014
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This does make me re-think him some...


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Jun 11, 2014
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ATXGator;n61155 said:
This does make me re-think him some...



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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
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I am now a Winston fan all the way. This resolves everything in my mind.

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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Sounds like she may have an idiotic lawyer though I still doubt that one statement was said. Wasn't the girl supposedly in some group of girls referred to as cleat chasers at FSU because they went out of their way to hook up with football players ? I remember hearing something like that and seeing screen shots from social media I thought.


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Austin Gator
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Jun 14, 2014
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Let me clarify... instead of thinking there was a 75% chance he was guilty.. I'm not more 50/50. I don't like the kid, but if this is true... and let's be honest.. TMZ probably gets more stories right than anybody else these days..., it doesn't bode well for her. Extortion doesn't give me confidence in her as an honest person.

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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ATXGator said:
Let me clarify... instead of thinking there was a 75% chance he was guilty.. I'm not more 50/50. I don't like the kid, but if this is true... and let's be honest.. TMZ probably gets more stories right than anybody else these days..., it doesn't bode well for her. Extortion doesn't give me confidence in her as an honest person.
I think he is probably guilty but that the lawyer was probably trying to strike this payoff deal.


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Jun 11, 2014
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ATXGator;n61173 said:
Let me clarify... instead of thinking there was a 75% chance he was guilty.. I'm not more 50/50. I don't like the kid, but if this is true... and let's be honest.. TMZ probably gets more stories right than anybody else these days..., it doesn't bode well for her. Extortion doesn't give me confidence in her as an honest person.

TMZ isn't reporting that the victim tried to extort money. They are reporting that this is what Winston's lawyer is claiming.


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I Deliver
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oxrageous said:
I am now a Winston fan all the way. This resolves everything in my mind.
Me, too. Where's the bandwagon?


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Jun 18, 2014
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Do I have to change all my Rapey posts now? Something is fishy about this. 1) Rapey has $7MM lying around? 2) Can't her lawyer be disbarred for this? 3) Why release it now, instead of last year, when it could have cost him the Heisman? 4) Now all of sudden she supposedly does not like black sex? Not saying it is not true, but highly fishy.


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WobbleGator;n61190 said:
TMZ isn't reporting that the victim tried to extort money. They are reporting that this is what Winston's lawyer is claiming.

Subtle differences, but they are world's apart.

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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Gatoravatara;n61194 said:
Do I have to change all my Rapey posts now? Something is fishy about this. 1) Rapey has $7MM lying around? 2) Can't her lawyer be disbarred for this? 3) Why release it now, instead of last year, when it could have cost him the Heisman? 4) Now all of sudden she supposedly does not like black sex? Not saying it is not true, but highly fishy.

Probably some deal to payoff when he signed with the NFL or something. I wouldn't put it past the lawyer to have offered a deal like that but if the lawyer had any sense that wouldn't have happened until a civil case was officially filed. It was probably a verbal offer anyway so unless Winson's lawyer illegally recorded the lawyer they can just claim they didn't offer to do that.


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Austin Gator
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Jun 14, 2014
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WobbleGator said:
ATXGator;n61173 said:
Let me clarify... instead of thinking there was a 75% chance he was guilty.. I'm not more 50/50. I don't like the kid, but if this is true... and let's be honest.. TMZ probably gets more stories right than anybody else these days..., it doesn't bode well for her. Extortion doesn't give me confidence in her as an honest person.

TMZ isn't reporting that the victim tried to extort money. They are reporting that this is what Winston's lawyer is claiming.
Sorry.. I missed that part... disregard all previous comments.


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Gator Fever;n61199 said:
Probably some deal to payoff when he signed with the NFL or something. I wouldn't put it past the lawyer to have offered a deal like that but if the lawyer had any sense that wouldn't have happened until a civil case was officially filed. It was probably a verbal offer anyway so unless Winson's lawyer illegally recorded the lawyer they can just claim they didn't offer to do that.

So, without a shred of evidence, and ONLY the word of Winston's lawyer, you are apt to believe that this girl's only motive was to extort Winston for 7 Million dollars, 2 years before he's even eligible to enter the NFL draft?

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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URGatorBait;n61204 said:
So, without a shred of evidence, and ONLY the word of Winston's lawyer, you are apt to believe that this girl's only motive was to extort Winston for 7 Million dollars, 2 years before he's even eligible to enter the NFL draft?

I heard that lawyer wasn't the brightest bulb in some articles I read and it wouldn't surprise me if the lawyer tried to get some payoff deal - that is what I am saying. I actually think Winston's lawyer wouldn't make the "whole" thing up if something wasn't discussed.

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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"Cornwell also says Carroll claimed her client's sexual encounter had to be rape, because she would never sleep with a "black boy." Fact is ... the alleged victim's boyfriend at the time was black. The criminal case fell apart, partly because the alleged victim had semen from 2 different men on her shorts."

That blows the racial stuff out the window but if that lawyer is the idiot some claim I guess its possible something like that was said to Winston's lawyer without even thinking.


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Gator Fever;n61207 said:
I heard that lawyer wasn't the brightest bulb in some articles I read and it wouldn't surprise me if the lawyer tried to get some payoff deal - that is what I am saying. I actually think Winston's lawyer wouldn't make the "whole" thing up if something wasn't discussed.

Sooo, you are apt to believe Winston's lawyer.

Let me ask you. What about Winston, and/or his lawyer, up to this point, has made them believable to you?


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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
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Gatoravatara;n61194 said:
Why release it now, instead of last year, when it could have cost him the Heisman?
Question of the day right here. Where was this info before? This has been going on a long damn time.

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