He's been spending a lot of time in California this offseason. He needed to bulk up if he is going to dedicate himself to football, where he'll have the opportunity to make more money than in track. He was muscular before with low body fat percentage, but he's even stronger now and from what I understand, he hasn't lost a step either. While he won't be a starter, obviously, for the Bucs, they do intend to have packages for him, as you simply can't take for granted his speed. If he's not the fastest, he's got to be top 3 in the league. His previous injuries were real, but probably didn't require the amount of time off that the Pats and Bucs had him take, however the time off after the groin injury with the Bucs allotted him more time to build more into an NFL RB frame, as opposed to a slimmer "track" frame. He still has a low body fat percentage, somewhere at or below 3%, which is just insane, but with added muscle, he should be able to handle the rigors of the NFL a little more than before, especially considering that he's not an every down back.
If the Bucs keep the 4 RB's they have lined up available, then they have one of the deepest and nastiest set of backs in the league in my opinion....now we just wait and see if McCown can at least be viable so that they don't have to rely solely on the RB's. Considering the additions to the WR position, as well as what was coming back, the Bucs have the potential to go from bottom to top in a hurry.