What Up With This "How To Hire A Coach Crapola"?


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Jun 23, 2014
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Have you had the chance to glance at the PD's postulation on How to Hire a Coach. I couldn't even get through reading part I without puking and he had the gall to offer a Part II. Here's this clown doing a full fledged apologetic about Muschamp's hire by Fooley -- and all this following the worst record in 35 years!! A 4-8 record, and sporting 3 consecutive years of an offense ranked 100+ in the nation. I would roll over in my grave if I was dead.

How can you even suppose this was a decent hire after the proof is in? Haven't these people over at Gator Country heard of the Peter Principle? Muschamp is a perfect example of being promoted to his level of incompetence, that is, if he was ever competent as a DC -- even that can't be proved. Fooley doesn't even have that to point at as an excuse for giving him a chance at one of the premier colleges in the country. After all, Texas went into the toilet while the Chump was there and that with a top 5 recruiting class every year to work with.

Now I realize that we've got him and we should be hoping for the best and I do but such unmitigated drivel from a guy who is supposed to be an accomplished sports writer with decent analytic skills. Somebody informed me that these guys at Gator Country are just interested in kissing up to the staff hoping against hope to get access. Well, I'm cancelling my subscription today.

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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Well he better turn it around this season or none of those articles can save him.


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Jun 24, 2014
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I doubt he saves his job. Foley used to be untouchable. Football basically pays for all the other sports. I said last year...he may just retire instead of admitting to making another huge mistake.

TN G8tr

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The "Original" TN G8tr
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Jun 14, 2014
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Well no matter the article he gets it done this season or he's gone.


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"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war."
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Jun 11, 2014
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Wow, this is an interesting new topic to discuss. :eek:hnoes2:

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