The dubster Outro Thread


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Jun 11, 2014
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This is a shocking development Mr Dubs. I'm sorry to here that your long time friend Mr Trux Spicer has decided to quit the show.
I suppose not everyone is ready for the deal we made to make Gatorchatter Great again, and let me tell you, it's going to be tremendous, incredibly great, the best, believe me.

My condolences sir on the separation.


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Jun 11, 2014
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This is a shocking development Mr Dubs. I'm sorry to here that your long time friend Mr Trux Spicer has decided to quit the show.
I suppose not everyone is ready for the deal we made to make Gatorchatter Great again, and let me tell you, it's going to be tremendous, incredibly great, the best, believe me.

My condolences sir on the separation.
What was the deal?


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today. it would appear we finally got some good news. as you know our recruiting has been like our coach"schitty" but we finally landed a recruit in a position of great need. speaking of schitty brad dropped by the program today and informed us that his wife only schits once a week. gatorraz who happened to be in the front row stated he has the same issue with his wife. raz joined us on the stage and stated his mother -n-law doesnt have that problem. he compared her to mrs. claus a old white haired lady, blowing schit out her ass like a north pole gust. my producer motioned to me i had a caller it was goon with the medical tip of the day. goon states its not healthy to have all those toxins kept in the body. i had another caller it was carib who was listening to the show on sirus radio. he states anal sex will knock the schit down and clear it up. as raz was leaving he informed the show that his mother in law has listened to him banging his wife twice but they dont discuss it. in our pedo segment jay26 stopped by and offered adoption to all the refugee children stuck in the airports. in something that can only be describe as bizarre the show had a burst of posters when this fat recruit was about to announce, anyway pb&j for everyone cause mac said so, drivebys in no specific order,brad2,goon,gatorraz,jboss,jay26,instigator,carib,gren,98md,midwest,navet,coach,slug,ferg,durty,tag,matrix,webb,bna,uf2002,frozen,gatorkev,backstop,ca91,tgator,no friends,urg,paz,mr,2 bits,gator4224,alky,tng8r,williston,skinnyq,gator in va,trux,alagator,boston84, everyone enjoy your evening its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today, the program wishes to send a special birthday shoutout to the shows ex employee trux. make sure mrs trux feels you tonight. also a special shoutout to backstop for hooking trux up with his new avi. onto the show by now you may have heard that we had a decent nsd and the box was full of romance. to start douglas 78 stop by the set and informed the show that jay26 goes on boatrides with urg. my producer motioned to me i had a caller it was jay26. jay stated he walks on the beach with urgs wife not urg. urg was in the audience and stood up and yelled ferg is a gay racist before running from the studio. in our ron jeremy segment brad stopped by and told us he eats ass which prompted me to poll the audience. according to their own admission g2,no friends,pines,98md,backstop13,nav,coach,goon all admitted to eating ass at one time or another, matrix who was at the concession stand denies eating ass which prompted goon to state he's telling a damn lie. trux reluctantly admitted heeats ass but was ashamed of it. backstop for his part states he really wants to eat his wifes ass but she refuses squeezing her butt cheeks together and fuking his tongue and tastebuds up everytime he gets close. this is probaly going to be a recipe for hemmoroids later in her life stretching butt muscle like that. drivebys in no specific order carib,jboss,heavy,midwest,backstop,diddy,urg,gatorraz,dougie78,brad2,coach,pines, friends,durty,jay26,navet,gatorbait,lakegator,bna,matrix,ca91,82bag,uf2002,atx,98md,albert the alagator,g2,trux,, everyone enjoy your evening and eat some ass its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions our thing that makes you wonder segment. jay26 stopped by the studio and stated he is constantly pissing on his shoes when he uses the urinals.(so he just walks around at work&home with piss all over his shoes for years) .i have never experience this problem so i reached out to the audience, first up was brad 2, who suggested he sit down on the urinal and pee. brad admitted having that issue shortly after"nuttin". ferg shouted from the back of the set, stating there is no help for jay because he has a small dic. pines stated he dosent have that issue because he has a "pipe". as most of my viewers know trux had a birthday yesterday and put it in the pink. in a revelation that even putin wouldnt sanction, gren and carib states they have "hard"evidence that mrses trux faked the orgasms on trux's birthday last night(simply amazing how mean spirited that was wimmin never tell the men they are faking").hows that for a birthday present. drivebys include in no specific order midwest,brad2,nav,urg,williston,coach,gatorraz,dougie78,g2,98md,gren,no friends,jay26,pines,ferg,gatorbait,lrtxl,matrx,goon,82bag8r,tgator,paz,trux,cuuf,carib,cooter,swamp donkey,durty, wave to a refugee at an airport near you. everyone enjoy superbowl weekend be safe,, its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today. before we get started the program was on a bit of a hiatus thanks to a certain someone, but were back. onto the program. goon stopped by with a medical update on gren. goon seems to think that gren is suffering from (psbu) permanent sperm build up. this condition effects cognitive thinking and reflexes some have suffered blindness. goon also shared his thoughts on urg, he thinks urg is just milking thousands from workers comp.i had a caller it was carib who thinks that urg is showing signs of (psbu).alky in a rare call in stated he wouldnt allow coach to be around his kids, urg joined in calling coach weak minded. brad stopped by and started the perv segment. brad started out reminding everyone to get their "b!tches something tomorrow. brad started showing beautiful pics of women on the big screen monitor then in a strange twist he began to start showing beastiality animals having sex. this outraged cu-uf who is our local peta member, pines who happened to be getting another one of those ham sandwiches that makes his stomach hurt out of the vending machine commented that he was disappointed in the subject matter, but did comment on urg stating he has more estrogen than a pharmacy full of women. midwest after hearing that cu-uf has lost the fire in his marriage diagnosed him with desert dick and we all no what that means maybe a good valentines day can help him. drivebys in no specific order durty,gren,goon,midwest,cooter,carib,alky,no friends,urg,jboss,ferg,cu-uf,brad2,backstop13,alagator,douglas78,nav,jay26,detroit,pines,webb,matrix,rogdochar,ca91,mr. 2 bits,slug,diddy,tag,trux, everyone have a great evening its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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2-14-17 dubs' valentine day special.

dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today. as you may or may not know one of our audience members is suffering from (psbu). its tag he showed up this morning with a picture of where he had jerked off in the kitchen sink. i quickly saw the need to get medical involved and called on 98md who examined the photo and determined it to be phelm in his professional opinion, i disagree. ferg walked into the studio babbling about some vegan female stealing condoms from him and letting some other guy use them on her. ferg wants to know why he got to foot the bill for these condoms. he wants her killed, but conceded that the poon was great. aka who was off and enjoying to show was on the front row ,i had a caller it was tag who wanted to know about a vibrator delivery to urg, i reached out to urg to get this matter cleared up but he would only mumble something about the internet. brad started off the dildo segment and as it started trux became overcome with grief and ran out of the building very emotional. that didnt deter brad at all he began the powerpoint presentation with the dildos. i had a caller it was midwest he stated he thinks mrses brad 2 uses those dildos on brad, something brad emphatically denies. i had a caller it was cooter he stated he was cleaning up and abandon house for a lady and found her dildos bag. brad immediately started the sniffing dildos segment and asked cooter did he sniff them cooter stated no. brad then survey the audience and most of the studio audience stated that they would sniff a dildo depending who it was up in. brad then stated he might go into the used dildo business. slug who was eating weight sandwiches stopped by and stated it was a very difficult decision to either work out or talk about sniffing dildos. g2 not to be out done stated he sees butt plugs daily.. drivebys in no specific order midwest,pines,jay26,nav,urg,aka,tag,matrix,himey,lakegator,brad2,ferg,lrxl,douglas78,gren,atx,gmd,trux,no friends,98md,cooter,slug,alex,coach,g2,, to all my viewers put it in the pink tonight, this will prevent desert dick. its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for question today..the program wants everyone thats not agnostic to pray for the coach and his family. onto the show nav stopped by and wanted to advertise his new movement(mgtow)men going their own way. its a movement of men thats tired of poon. specifically women trying to use their poon to manipulate things. nav stated to the audience it is this reason why he hasnt had poon in a decade(this may be most severe case of desert dick in the history of mankind) nav says it doesnt bother him. aka who was in the front row again after being off on president day commented, all women are freaks since middle school.nav finished by stating that all wimmen are hoars, i had a caller it was uf812 he shouted "you cant trust a big butt and a smile" and then hung up abrutly. douglas 78 who was standing just off stage commented that trux has been spraying stuff in his wife face calling it icing. douglas went on to say he has doubts about gator j's ability to read. pines stopped by the program and wants to start an insurrection of chatter. stay tune for dates and times in your area. drivebys in no specific order,jay26,carib,durty,nav,goon,aka,avatara,gren,dougie78,jboss,pines,98md,brad,alagator,trex,trux,uf812,cooter,matrix,coach,urg,thick&thin, everyone have a wonderful evening its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today. before we get started i want to send a shout out to durty he was left off the drivebys(my bad) onto the program, urg has made it perfectly clear he hates the program,he never moves it over to the lounge for people that work for a living can enjoy it. something ox put in the contract. urg says he dont have to adhere to it. midwest stopped by the show and stated nav only likes pvssy on men. tag who was jerking off off in the sink again started our perv segment about shemales. pines who was at the vending machine getting another one of thse ham sanwiches that make him have the runs shouted across the room that urg was a homophobic midget(i'm really starting to think urg is a little guy) just at that exact moment douglas78 burst in the room shouting that he had undeniable proof that urg has a 2" dic. dougie stated that durtys wife told him(this could be an issue durty reads these outros)matrix called in from the klan convention in milwaukee and stated if there is two dicks in a room its gay(you can be the judge of what he is talking about)carib who was sitting off stage said he was going to eat some feet at lunch(these fetsishes are really starting to get out of hand) i have booked nav for the program tomorrow, really liking the way he's talking schit about females you dont want to miss that, drivebys in no specific order,urg,midwest,ferg,brad2,pines,carib,carib,gren,douglas78,alagator,trux,no friends,matrix,jboss,gatrbait, go home and sign an executive order its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today. urg started our program today because i was running late due to pressing matters of state business. i finally arrive in the q&a segment first up pines stood up and stated nav is not that against poon because he visits asian bath houses and gets fckie,fckie long time. one of our local klan and alt right members was in the audience, ca91 and he shouted over everyone stating i dont like asians they are yellow and ran out the studio .midwest who was having a hard time getting his statement in because he had a breakfast consisting of just rice was very weak but stated Nav has artificial poon such as dolls and his hand. this is clearly not desert dic , but known as friction dic. carib who was on a drill rig offshore called in collect and stated ca91 is sexually abusing his dolls.nav completed the interview stating he has respect for women but he refuses to play pvssy games he rather cash&cum. jay stopped by the program to say he has been watching urg from a far and he is convinced that urg is a bigot. my producer motioned to me i had a caller it was tag he stated urg is on welfare we reached out to urg who denies this stating he is on our sandusky/jarrett moment matrix showed up in a '72 chevy truck draped in rebel flags showing underage girls(truly the south will rise). pines refused to comment on the pics. midwest thinks the girl was 17 and carib thinks 16. drivebys in no specific order,ca91,nav,gatorbart,midwest,urg,trux,carib,douglas78,gren,durty,williston,cooter,rogdochar,pines,matrix,jay,no friends,brad2,slug,,tag,coach, please attend a town hall meeting, and have a great wknd its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today.first off the program want to wish urg a happy sweet 16 birthday, sgg if your reading this i need you to check in. pines dropped by and informed the program that the ecentric ox stood him up. ca91 dropped by and informed my audience that goon has a gay exchange student in his basement(his passport better be up to date) my producer motioned to me i had a caller it was goon he informed me that ca91 needs to lube his dolls. speaking of dolls gmd stopped by with some nice booty pics. in our hero segment g2 stopped in and explained how he foiled an escape attempt(thank you)the program reached out to trux to get his thoughts on urgs bday, he refused to comment(take from this what you will)drivebys in no specific order,,carib,brad,durty,midwest,gren,goon,ca91,nav,ferg,pines,trux,jay,urg,98md,gmd,heavy,detroit,g-2,swamp donkey,matrix,coach, dont believe everything someone tells you. everyone have a great evening time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today. many of you are familiar with the programs expert vegan midwest that appears on the show from time to time. well he is making some life adjustments and trying to stand up to his wife. so we called the mgtow expert nav. midwest explained to nav how he entered his house after work and while his wife was speaking to him he walked off. midwest felt proud and empowered that he finally showed her who was boss. midwest asked nav was that how it was suppose to be done? nav informed midwest it was a start,but he shouldve told her to drop to her knees and give him a blow job. a stunned midwest stated in front of the kids? nav explained a good wife teaches her daughters how to give blow jobs demostrating with a banana. my audience went into a rage and began to protest, gatorraz was speechless and had to be helped to get some water, urg stated he thinks nav has dementia, brad shouted nav stays in a trailer with his mom before emotion overcame him and he rush from the studio(he has two girls) pines whispered under breath that he was happy he didnt have daughters and he pities nav, carib refused to comment and just stared off into space. gren stated thats what happens when you join the navy. ferg stopped by while we were on the subject and stated LDR mom shouldve swollowed him. coach dropped by displaying transgender veggies drivebys in no specific order midwest,carib,ferg,gren,nav,slug,uf812,gatorraz,brad,gmd,urg,pine,trux,matrix,coach,durty,detroit, everyone remember to mentor your kids its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today,nav has the day off so no parental advice today. several sources has come forward to suggest urg is faking his injury and is milking his insurance company trying to qualify for lifetime disability. atleast 4 audience members has voiced concerns. one of the members suggested that urg has mastered the two handed jack off routine which is very difficult because you have to maintain our political segment gmd stopped by dodging the tornado to talk kellyanne.folks all hell broke loose,,lurkers and right wingnuts alike stormed the set in her defense. urg called in and stated she was ugly as fck,not to outdone midwest thinks she needs a tractor trailer full of ky. this woke up gren that suggested i look in the mirror. at that exact point the producer motioned to me i had a lurker it was alex he suggested my wife go see trump (my wife hates the air trump breathes)alex adds everyone cant look good and shes' working with what she got. coached called in and said he would try kellyanne and matrix admitted he would hit it. urg called back into the program to inform my audience that alex likes horse nuts(not sure what to make of this) goon called in hearing that carib is constantly staring off into space stated that carib is a immigrant as well as a masterbaiter(well that explains the staring ) tag,gmd,and midwest all checked in with photos of their families(nice pictures by the way), but was warned buy urg that gren is doing something sinister with the photos(we will keep you updated)drivebys in no specific order,jay,ferg,carib,gatorraz,midwest,jboss,slug,boston,gren,NAV,urg,durty,cooter,trux,wbb,alex,goon,matrix,gmd,tag,coach,instigator,matrix, everyone watch graham&mcclain and watch for the tweets afterwards should be epic,,its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for questions today. urg had the day off. our wimmens expert nav took questions during the q&a session.nav advise the audience mostly made up of dudes thats getting manipulated by their wives that the world was better under a mans rule, now feminism has made it a train wreck. nav explained to the audience that if a woman cant give good head what good is she. nav had a caller it was atx he had a comment on the advice about mother teaching their daughters about blow jobs. atx stated how can she teach her daughter and she aint giving them? quickly there was another caller it was midwest who stated what if your wife is a germaphobe?(just let her know your dic is germ free) nav stated he feels sorry for men thats not getting head.goon stopped by the studio and stated lesbos are nymphos in disguise, aka who happen to be dropping off the mail stated he could convert lesbos back to straight wimmen he states he has the uncanny ability to make them want to walk on the wild side. carib dropped by the studio and is worried about sessions lying to congress and eveybody else about communication with russia, cooter who happened to be having brunch with kellyanne informed carib not to worry about it its covered she will give the interviews. carib happy from hearing the news stated that ox is gay and likes colorful things. he also informed my audience that urgs wife was taking care of him while he refuse to work(goon was notified). speaking of urg, gmd dropped by and informed the program that he had started his own business. i asked if he could give urg a job he stated no, because he wanted his business to be successful and rush off the set before i could get clarification. douglas 78 called into the program and stated he had been listening to the program on his car radio and agreed that you have to worry about your daughters having multiple dic in them. gren has hacked ox's site posting color words to further piss him off(stay tune for this development)as i was getting ready to sign off the program matrix burst in shouting all mods anal lick and slamed the door(we will get him to elaborate next week)drivebys in no specific order,cooter,carib,nav,midwest,gren,gmd,jay,coach,gatorraz,nv,atx,aka,brad,goon,rog,doulas78,lagator,ferg,slug,matrix,trux, everyone have a great wknd its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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dubster1: well gators thats all the time we have for quesions today. before we get started this is a very xrated edition because coach came in and started the perv segment. there will be alot of termology thrown around i encourage you to look up some of this stuff before you say it or try it on your wives. remember the ass you save could be your own. as mentioned before, coach stopped by and begin to talk about sticking his dic between breast. i told him i wasnt a fan of this because i failed to see what you get out of it. my producer motioned to me i had a caller it was gren who stated he loves to do it. as we passed the mic around in the audience douglas 78 stood up and stated the term is a tit job. gmd shouted out he paid $5000.00 dollars for one for his wife but they are hard and rigid and roughs up his dic. but admits he use to like to bone his wife in the woods. before sitting down gmd stated urg likes to please men. nav stopped by and stated he jacks off nightly(a real kung foo grip) and he just did it last night and he called her rosey!. slug sitting next to nav stated he usually does it right before dinner and after a work out in the shower(hopefully mrs.slug is using bleach to clean the shower mat or it will be slippery)brad stopped by to informed the show of the new thing in the sexual revolution its called a alabama hot pocket look it up and try it on wifey tonight. durty who is awaiting on orders to go to n.korea stated he's hearing the rusty hook is starting to gain popularity in tmilitary ranks.alagator who rush off the set was trying to get home to his wife for a quickie he refer to her as a microwave no preheat needed she's hot and ready to go, he returned to the show later stating it was great. with all the sex talk going on jay became emotional, you see he was a virgin and never got poon til he was married. he stood up took a deep breath and yelled urg is a midget and ran out of the studio. gmd who was talking the whole time i was trying to host the show about cleveland steamers might be in the cards for some of you. urg if your reading this trux is looking for you drivebys in no specfic order, coach,midwes,gren,nav,brad,douglas78,slug,ferg,gmd,jay,alagator,bna,carib,rog,durtyfkzdiceman,rg,detroit,98md,matrix,tlb,ebb,tag,82bag,atx,trux, everyone go home and ask your wives do they get anything out of you placing your dic between their brst and we will have a quiz on it tomorrow, have a wonderful evening its time to commute :bananawave:


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Jun 11, 2014
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GMD is a liar and TransJay26 is a loser

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