Bad Parenting In Public

Altitude Gator

Lurking from Altitude
Lifetime Member
Aug 23, 2017
Aaron is pure white trash honkey.
racist comedy central GIF


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Jul 20, 2014
Parenting is the hardest thing at times. And I believe single parenting is the hardest of all. That said what we we see in public at times can be a parent doing the best they can, Autistic kids can seem crazy out of control but parents should not have to hide them at home all the time. Or some children are born with mental defects that appear to be bad behavior. I have known some parents with kids so compromised by something I wonder HOW the hell they do it. Love. Years ago they would just institutionalize kids like that. I admire the hell out of parents that just treat their kids normally and carry on. Must be a super power.


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Aight Then
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Jun 19, 2014
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Negotiation. Telling their kid “if you’re good I’ll get you ___________.

I never got that opportunity. Behave or get your ass spanked. Don’t like supper and don’t eat? Go to bed hungry. Misbehave at school, don’t expect to go outside at home for a week (back when kids valued going outside and not sitting on their asses in front of a computer or video game screen).

At restaurants, if in a booth and some beat starts kicking it I return fire and dare the damned “parents” to complain.

The pussification of America. If we ever have to fight another ground war, we are ****ed.

Concrete Helmet

Hook, Line, and Sinker
Lifetime Member
Jul 29, 2014
Aaron is pure white trash honkey.
I only ask because sometimes that term is thrown around by blacks toward other blacks freely. The term to me isn't defined by the color of one's skin btw...there are plenty of black, white and brown ones amongst us


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2020
I only ask because sometimes that term is thrown around by blacks toward other blacks freely. The term to me isn't defined by the color of one's skin btw...there are plenty of black, white and brown ones amongst us
FWIW, my son is biracial; black/white. The kid that was using the "n" word towards my son is white. My wife and I are both white too. I don't tolerate the use of that word in my presence. I don't care who uses it, towards whom, or for any reason.


Just chillin'
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Jan 6, 2015
I don't blame my parents, they were oblivious to what they were doing with this, but....

Growing up, we'd always go out to 'celebrate' birthdays and special events (typically at the Brown Derby), and on the flipside we kids were kept at the table until we 'cleared our plate'. As such I've been wired to ALWAYS finish my plate, and whatever my kids didn't finish. This is buttressed by growing to hate leftovers, so yeah, eat it all at first sitting.

This means I historically ate everything in sight so as not to leave food. It also means that I associated eating out with happiness, and as I grew up, went away to college, and generally learned to live as an adult I would eat out a LOT more than I ate at home. Part of this was because life was stressful and eating out and/or eating sugary junk food was a means of coping. Part of this was living on my own, earning a paycheck, and talking myself into believing that "I can afford to live nicer by eating out" with all those paychecks.

The result is being overweight since my early 30's, diagnosed with diabetes in mid-30's. Mentally I believe I can control what I eat and get things under control. The last 25y say the reality calls me a liar. I can barely boil eggs, never developed my cooking skills. And, my kids have watched me be this eat-out personality and have picked that up. My oldest rarely eats anything from home, 95% drive thru or eating out. My younger one asks me at nearly every meal "You eating that because you're hungry, or because you can't say no?"


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"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war."
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Jun 11, 2014
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Just to set the ground level.......... Who decides what Good or Bad Parenting is?

Does Parenting Skill depend on the environment or time?

Should Parenting ability be judged by the trip or the destination achieved?

One size fit's all, never fit's anyone.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2020
Just to set the ground level.......... Who decides what Good or Bad Parenting is?

Does Parenting Skill depend on the environment or time?

Should Parenting ability be judged by the trip or the destination achieved?

One size fit's all, never fit's anyone.
Personally, I think good/bad parenting is never determined by the parents of the particular offspring. You know, MY little angel would never do anything wrong and MY opinion is right regardless of what anyone else thinks.

But it is obvious that YOUR kids turned out to be horrible adults because of your insanely radical bad parenting skills...

At least I think that is how most of it works... :dunno:


Senior Member
Lifetime Member
Sep 4, 2014
Just to set the ground level.......... Who decides what Good or Bad Parenting is?

Does Parenting Skill depend on the environment or time?

Should Parenting ability be judged by the trip or the destination achieved?

One size fit's all, never fit's anyone.

I agree with much of what you said, but to answer your question I think it begins and ends with two words: the fair.

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