Beer and Wine for sale in Swamp!


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Aight Then
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Jun 19, 2014
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If only I could afford the seats where this will be available. :sadnanner:

I call bull****.




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The Hammer of Thor
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Jun 19, 2014
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We used to bring in small bottles of Bacardi inside our cowboy boots.

It was too hot to wear boots to most games but if it was a night game later in the year...

By FAR the most booze I ever smuggled into that stadium was for Gator Growl 1996. Wore cowboy boots and got most of a handle of Beam stuffed into them. Actually more than we were able to drink. Did the neighborly thing and shared with the folks around us.

At Tennessee in 2006 I put baggies in the pockets of my Gator windbreaker then tied it around my waist. The actual pockets were down around the back of my knees. I was a little worried about the pockets swinging as I walked but it was so crowded nobody noticed. They patted me down good, but not the windbreaker!

The cargo shorts trend made it easy. Couple of baggies on each side. Not too full.



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Dazed and Confused
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Jun 9, 2014
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It was too hot to wear boots to most games but if it was a night game later in the year...

By FAR the most booze I ever smuggled into that stadium was for Gator Growl 1996. Wore cowboy boots and got most of a handle of Beam stuffed into them. Actually more than we were able to drink. Did the neighborly thing and shared with the folks around us.

At Tennessee in 2006 I put baggies in the pockets of my Gator windbreaker then tied it around my waist. The actual pockets were down around the back of my knees. I was a little worried about the pockets swinging as I walked but it was so crowded nobody noticed. They patted me down good, but not the windbreaker!

The cargo shorts trend made it easy. Couple of baggies on each side. Not too full.


It was hot as hell wearing jeans to a September home game, but we were 20 years stupid and far more interested in the buzz. :lol:


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A Muffin of the Studly Variety
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Jun 13, 2014
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I used to take a full quart bottle of Rebel Yell (God help me) and use an ace bandage to wrap it around my calf and cover it with a pair of overalls (shirt optional). It would be gone by the end of the game, mostly from spillage. Ice was at a premium and I would always order my large Gator Cup filled to the top with ice and just a splash of Coke. Those were the old Gator cups that were short and fat and came with the hard plastic lids we would throw like Frisbees after singing "We Are The Boys" at the end of the 3rd quarter. Many a football player has slipped on those plastic lids.


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Jun 12, 2014
Founding Member
I used to take a full quart bottle of Rebel Yell (God help me) and use an ace bandage to wrap it around my calf and cover it with a pair of overalls (shirt optional). It would be gone by the end of the game, mostly from spillage. Ice was at a premium and I would always order my large Gator Cup filled to the top with ice and just a splash of Coke. Those were the old Gator cups that were short and fat and came with the hard plastic lids we would throw like Frisbees after singing "We Are The Boys" at the end of the 3rd quarter. Many a football player has slipped on those plastic lids.

That reminds me of a Jacksonville Bulls USFL game. I was a kid, so the details are sketchy. They had a promotion at halftime where you could rip out a page of the brochure, make a paper airplane out of it, chunk it onto the field, and the person closest to some target won a car or some sh!t. People used every page out of the brochure and made like 100 paper planes. They threw everything that could be thrown. The game was delayed like 45 minutes because they didnt realize how freaking long it would take to clean up that mess on the field. Good ol Jacksonville.

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