Will a close loss to Alabama satisfy you?


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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
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I figured I'd bring this up in advance of the zoo this place is going to be this weekend. Sasquatch made a comment in the chatterbox recently in which he was correct. He said that this game has been penciled in as a loss for well over a year now by just about every Gator fan. Yet, if/when we lose, there's going to be the usual post-loss meltdowns, screaming for firings, burning couches, etc.

So is it going to depend on HOW we lose? Let's say it's a tight game and we lose by a last-minute field goal. As a Gator fan, how would you feel about that? Would you take it as a positive sign we're headed in the right direction? Or is a loss a loss? How do we view moral victories these days? If you already feel now that we're going to lose, is it going to alter your usual post-loss attitude?

Let's face it, there's no shame in losing at Alabama, because pretty much everyone does. Outside of a win, what would satisfy you, if anything?


P.S. - Let's discuss this like adults, and try to avoid poo-slinging at each other.


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The Sicilian
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Jun 11, 2014
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I'd love it if I truly thought otherwise and I really hate to admit it but I'm in moral victory mode for this one.

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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I would feel encouraged moving forward if this game was still up for grabs late in the 4th quarter. The one exception may be if it was only due to great defense and ST play because I doubt that would hold up for the whole regular season again like it did in 2012.


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Jun 11, 2014
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For me it (like this season) depends on how well they play. If it's as you say we lose by a last minute fg, I won't be happy about a loss but it would mean we played a damn good game. Frankly if we play that close of a game at Bama in our third game with a new OC and new system to me it would show we are on the right track.


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Ox's Former Favorite Poster
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Jun 11, 2014
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That's a damn good question. Personally, I feel a loss is a loss, however, how the game is played does matter, IMHO. Just about everyone on this board has this game penciled in as an L, so there really is no reason for a meltdown, unless we just get murdered in this game. I don't think we will, but that may depend on how this game is approached mentally.
I expect a reasonably close game in either direction, and the team with the fewest mistakes has the best chance to win. If we compete in every facet of the game, and show that there is no quit in this team, then win or lose, I view that as a step in the right direction. Last year these guys quit, I don't care what anyone says, and I don't want to see that again.
IMO, our biggest glaring problem remains the Offensive line. They have got to improve, and I'm doubtful we'll see that improvement this weekend.


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Poo Flinger
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Jun 12, 2014
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If it matters so much how we played in a win against Kentucky, why would it not matter how we played in a loss to Alabama. Can't have it both ways.


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Jun 12, 2014
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Depends on the reasoning for the close loss, if it is because both teams are playing horrible then no. But if both teams are playing good and it just a back and forth game. A close loss is still a loss, but it would show that their has been growth.


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Slick Willie - RIP
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Jun 15, 2014
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Moral Victories? My how the standards have lowered.... Starting to sound like UGA...:suicide:


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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
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Zambo;n52881 said:
If it matters so much how we played in a win against Kentucky, why would it not matter how we played in a loss to Alabama. Can't have it both ways.
I'm not sure if Kentucky at home is a fair comparison to Alabama on the road.


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Jun 11, 2014
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Personally it would depend on how we look. If the ofense and defense play welk and we are beat because Alabama is the better team then I will be okay with it. I do believe we have a shot to win though. As cliche as it has become for us I think the offense has been "Vanilla" so far this year. Goldkamp has said a couple times that the offense in practice isnt the same one he has seen in games so far. The read option has been non existent, and other than end of quarter an game situations we have not gone full hurry up yet. If we shore up our discipline in the defensive back field we are gonna give Bama all they want.

Gator fans are gonna meltdown huge no matter what happens though.


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Aug 5, 2014
Moral victories are for losers (see Lane Kiffen) . Welcome to the new standard of Gator Football; the Will Muschamp Era.


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Jun 11, 2014
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For me it's more about how our Gators play. As Sas says, you just don't go into Tuscaloosy "expecting" to leave with a win. You hope, but it's just not often anyone goes there and wins. I just want to see a clean game with no significant injuries, no excessive PF penalties, and a chance to win in the 4th. If that happens, I'll be pretty satisfied we're probably on the right path. If we get blown out and our Gators look lost, it's going to be a very long season.

I think we have a chance to win this game. The match-up is interesting. But we'll have to be near perfect to pull it off and we haven't been anywhere near perfect yet this year. Even in the blowout against EMU there were pretty ugly mistakes.

One other note, I hope Coach Leak (boy does it feel good to say that) has Pittman and Dunbar spending lots of time with the jug machine this week. We absolutely will not be able to afford to have dropping passes in this game. Gotta, gotta, gotta catch it boys!


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Slightly amused
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Jun 10, 2014
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GMDGATOR;n52883 said:
Moral Victories? My how the standards have lowered.... Starting to sound like UGA...:suicide:
Or even worse...Tennercee. This is the state of affairs we find ourselves in during the 4th year of this administration. I am damn near positive we're gonna lose and won't be happy about even if we take them to OT. I will, however, feel better about our prospects against UGA, SC and Mizzou if we play well and make a game of it.


Junior Member
Sep 5, 2014
I know I am a pumper this season, but I always think we are going to win. With that being said as long as we are compeitive, and we don't give up I will take that. However I believe that we can pull the upset.

The Original DC

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Jun 12, 2014
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We are not Tennessee. We don't high-five and pat each other on the ass over moral victories. I want to win.


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The Sicilian
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Jun 11, 2014
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Obviously I want to win but if we lose a close game to Bama on the road, I feel really good about the rest of the games on our schedule.


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Jun 13, 2014
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The Original DC;n52900 said:
We are not Tennessee. We don't high-five and pat each other on the ass over moral victories. I want to win.

I think Ox was more talking about are we going to have the typical meltdowns or will people be merely disappointed in losing a hard fought game? No one is suggesting celebrating a loss

Swamp Queen

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Mrs. Sasquatch
Jun 11, 2014
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Fishon said:
The Original DC;n52900 said:
We are not Tennessee. We don't high-five and pat each other on the ass over moral victories. I want to win.

I think Ox was more talking about are we going to have the typical meltdowns or will people be merely disappointed in losing a hard fought game? No one is suggesting celebrating a loss

Durty South Swamp

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doodley doodley doo!
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Jun 19, 2014
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I'm not a moral victory type of person but I'm also realistic about how far down this team was and how far it probably still has left to climb. I would not ever be "happy" with a loss no matter the situation but I would be satisfied and even encouraged if we played a solid game and gave bama a run but came up short. If both teams play crappy or if we have a stellar outing on defense and ST but the offense stinks it up I would not be encouraged, even if it was close in the end. We need to have an all around good game and give ourselves a chance to win late for me to feel encouraged. Anything else and it's just going to look like more of the same.

And for the love of God can we please, just for once, clean up all the ridiculously stupid penalties! When we were dominant we could afford a few of those, we dont have that margin for error right now.


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Jun 12, 2014
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Any loss is a very disappointing and frustrating experience. If UF loses in a close game to Bama, I will not be in a good mood this weekend. That said, a close loss will not get Muschamp's hot seat any hotter, and UF will still have a good chance to win the East and the SEC now that USCe and UGA both have one SEC loss. So as heartbreaking as it would be, a loss at Bama does not mean doom and gloom for UF's season; however, this doesn't mean that a loss would be a morale victory either. These guys already believe that they can compete with the best teams in the country. They don't need a loss to validate that. A win would be huge.

I think a close loss is the most likely scenerio to happen this Saturday. I am preparing myself for the disappointment but still hoping for the best.

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