I was there


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Jul 20, 2014
I have probably attended over 200 games at Fla Field, going back to SOS playing. I can honestly say I have only seen (in person) the offense this hapless maybe 2 or 3 other times. The D played well enough to win. On the other hand ..........It was ugly as hell. At this time I think he should be let go and all our effort put into making something positive the rest of the year and to find a good coach for the program. I would go after Charlie Strong or Mullen.

Gator Fever

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Jun 13, 2014
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Yep it was pretty bad. Foley needs to make a move now and not wait until the season is over.


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Jun 11, 2014
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I have a gut feeling that Muschamp will coach for the rest of the season.


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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
Founding Member
stephenPE;n85045 said:
I have probably attended over 200 games at Fla Field, going back to SOS playing. I can honestly say I have only seen (in person) the offense this hapless maybe 2 or 3 other times. The D played well enough to win. On the other hand ..........It was ugly as hell. At this time I think he should be let go and all our effort put into making something positive the rest of the year and to find a good coach for the program. I would go after Charlie Strong or Mullen.
So....you decided to post on this "septic circle jerk" after all. Was there an apology forthcoming?


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Jun 11, 2014
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WobbleGator;n85088 said:
I have a gut feeling that Muschamp will coach for the rest of the season.

Me too. And I'm finally at the point where I don't want to see that happen. It's just not fair to the players. They need some kind of change. Change brings hope. Hope can fuel a spark.


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Jun 24, 2014
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Let me look into my bag of "I told you so's" - StephenPE has a large one right here.

Could've used you sooner. It is a very depressing time this Muschamp Era. The Noles are killing it while we are slowly circling the drain. Recruiting is where it hurts and I find it hard to believe that if we had made a move LAST YEAR we'd be so far behind in such an important year(for recruiting). Foley cost us this year and a bunch of Gators that refused to believe the truth(even though it was punching them in the mouth). Every excuse made for that hapless frothing maniac. Now we will really see the pain in Feb.

By waiting even longer, Foley is just giving other schools more time to whisper anti-gator rhetoric into their ears. Foley should be forced into retirement for forcing this year on us. Terrible.

Gator charm

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Jun 14, 2014
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I was too, sitting in the same seats that I have sat in since 1968. That was as pathetic a performance by a Gator team that I have seen in a long, long time. It saddens me to see how badly this program has been harmed over the past few years. All the work that SOS did in building the Gator program, giving us domination over Georgia, making us relevant in the SEC and creating the aura and swagger of the Swamp has been ruined. What I can not understand is why Foley does not just admit the mistake, albeit well intended, with the current Coach and move on. Frankly, delaying the inevitable is really unfair to Muschamp too. Everyone is miserable with Gator football. This was homecoming for goodness sake and we get destroyed in the Swamp, boo's raining down and the place empty in the third quarter. I will never give up my tickets and I feel badly for the players but I am not driving to Gainesville anymore to attend a football game as long at the current coach is in place.


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Sep 4, 2014
oxrageous;n85102 said:
So....you decided to post on this "septic circle jerk" after all. Was there an apology forthcoming?

^^ Fan grade: D-


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Austin Gator
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Jun 14, 2014
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I don't think there is anybody who supports Muschamp. I like the guy, but he is not a good coach. At a minimum they need to spend the next two weeks preparing Treon. Jeff is a good kid, but he doesn't have "it".


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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
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stephenPE;n75611 said:
Game day and still not much positive. I took time to read the heading on the forum. GatorChatter: The ultimate destination for gator nation. After reading about chimp or chump a thousand times and the never ending trashing of JD I think the heading would be better read as GatorHater The Ultimate Desecration of Gator Nation.

This is not a gator forum. It is a "fck the coach(es) players and team forum. With fans like some here gator football would have been dropped many years ago with this "support". Of course some disingenuous morons will say " I accept mediocrity with my loyalty" but I am not so arrogant or ignorant to think my team will ALWAYS be the best and make the perfect choices in every way. Those of you that denigrate players and coaches so casually in a public forum speaks VOLUMES more about you than those you target. My image of some of some here is a 4 year old stamping his feet screaming "I WANT MINE NOW."

stephenPE;n75666 said:
If I call the coach a monkey or the QB a pussy it is perfectly acceptable. IF I take people to task for that behavior it is reprehensible and deserves to disappear. Got it. What a chicken**** forum. The hypocrisy is amazing. Ok so now I know it gets hidden in the dead files. You can say anything and everything negative about the staff coaches and players but GOD FORBID you criticize those that can spew any kind of sh%t about our team. I guess i will just go back to observing this septic circle jerk.


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Jul 20, 2014
I never left but I just don't get my jollies trashing players or staff for the team I have supported for so long. I guess spending my days trying to be positive to young kids and trying to model the behaviors I want them to exhibit I cannot wrap my head around the good of being real nasty about people. If I had to guess right now Foley and others are working hard on finding the next guy.


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It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
Founding Member
stephenPE;n85383 said:
I never left but I just don't get my jollies trashing players or staff for the team I have supported for so long. I guess spending my days trying to be positive to young kids and trying to model the behaviors I want them to exhibit I cannot wrap my head around the good of being real nasty about people.
So you're sorry about what you said about the board?


Senior Member
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Jul 20, 2014
You seem a little obsessed, Ox. Since I am always honest I will tell you the truth. I am thrilled your started this board along with the political part when they killed the last one. I appreciate it. But am I sorry I described it as a septic circle jerk? No, because that was what I observed. I have no problem with criticism. I do have a problem with constant nasty sh#t being slung at my team. If that sounds stupid so be it. I was singing that silly part "in all kinds of weather" long before many here were born and I guess my problem is I always bought into it. On another note I found this little bit some what positive.
"This year, Florida and Michigan will likely be looking for new coaches, but the dynamics have changed. Whereas Florida and Notre Dame were viewed as roughly equal jobs in December 2004, everyone but the most ardent Michigan fan knows Florida is a far better job. The Gators will get their pick of coaches. The issue is there is no Meyer sitting out there this season waiting to make the leap. Former Meyer offensive coordinator (Dan) Mullen could wind up winning the national title at Mississippi State, and if he can do that, it might not make much sense to attempt an offensive rebuild at another school in the same conference."


Founding Member
It's Good to be King
Jun 5, 2014
Founding Member
stephenPE;n85393 said:
You seem a little obsessed, Ox. Since I am always honest I will tell you the truth. I am thrilled your started this board along with the political part when they killed the last one. I appreciate it. But am I sorry I described it as a septic circle jerk? No, because that was what I observed. I have no problem with criticism. I do have a problem with constant nasty sh#t being slung at my team. If that sounds stupid so be it. I was singing that silly part "in all kinds of weather" long before many here were born and I guess my problem is I always bought into it.
Apology accepted.

And just remember stephen, we're all still here talking Gators "In All Kinds of Weather". Being here, even slinging "nasty sh#t", is still sticking together. I'm not aware of anyone leaving to go root for Georgia or FSU. The song doesn't say you can't be critical.


Founding Member
Jun 18, 2014
Founding Member
stephenPE;n85383 said:
I never left but I just don't get my jollies trashing players or staff for the team I have supported for so long. I guess spending my days trying to be positive to young kids and trying to model the behaviors I want them to exhibit I cannot wrap my head around the good of being real nasty about people. If I had to guess right now Foley and others are working hard on finding the next guy.

I never liked trashing people either, especially JD-who has not stolen $12MM from Florida. And I am actually a very positive person. I used to look forward to Saturdays. Even if we lost, we normally put up a good fight and it was exciting to watch. Now it is very painful-even when we win. Nobody on this forum hates the Gators. On the contrary, we all LOVE the Gators. Or else we would not care. Think of it as a marriage. If people are fighting, they still care. Once they have given up on the marriage they are silent and just accept. When we are critical here, it is tough love. The person that is on meth might take it as being cruel, but true friends will keep it real. I am not attached to any particular coach. I am attached to winning.

G 2

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Gator Great
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Jun 11, 2014
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stephenPE;n85393 said:
You seem a little obsessed, Ox. Since I am always honest I will tell you the truth. I am thrilled your started this board along with the political part when they killed the last one. I appreciate it. But am I sorry I described it as a septic circle jerk? No, because that was what I observed. I have no problem with criticism. I do have a problem with constant nasty sh#t being slung at my team. If that sounds stupid so be it. I was singing that silly part "in all kinds of weather" long before many here were born and I guess my problem is I always bought into it. On another note I found this little bit some what positive.
"This year, Florida and Michigan will likely be looking for new coaches, but the dynamics have changed. Whereas Florida and Notre Dame were viewed as roughly equal jobs in December 2004, everyone but the most ardent Michigan fan knows Florida is a far better job. The Gators will get their pick of coaches. The issue is there is no Meyer sitting out there this season waiting to make the leap. Former Meyer offensive coordinator (Dan) Mullen could wind up winning the national title at Mississippi State, and if he can do that, it might not make much sense to attempt an offensive rebuild at another school in the same conference."

I have a problem with people slinging nasty sh*t at my team too. But you know what I have a bigger problem with? Someone destroying the program that I love and people supporting him all along the way.

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